Chapter 2

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The Full moon was high in the sky, as a sight that midnight had come to Gotham. With just a few clouds in the sky, the moon bright light was able to shed some light into a very dark room and land on the figure that sat in the middle of said room. the room was once a nice, warm with a happy couple. The once long silk dark emerald greed that hung at the edges of the sliding glass door, wear now small strips of shredded fabric. the once beautiful king size dark wood four poster bed now sat as a pile of fire wood and feathers. the walls covered in bold black letters that spelled out "ha" over and over. The cream-colored carpet paled against the cold black steel of the Armey that scatted in the room. In the middle of the room sat a man consumed in a psychotic depression. His usual slick black green hair now set up and out. A red painted smile on his pale white face hiding his sorrow filled frown. His crazy stained eye also held sadness, abandonment and betrayal. This broken man is known as the most fear dangerous psychotic murder, otherwise known as The Joker.

The door opened abruptly and walking a man in a slick black fitted suit. With quick reflexes, The Joker raised his hand gun to the intruder. Lowering his weapon as he found his right-hand man standing before him, letting him speak his mind. "Mr. J. It Has been many moths sense that woman left you, locking yourself in this room this whole time has done damage on your legacy. There is someone that has climb in power and is now more feared than you are sir. I'm sorry sir but you are no longer number one. Sir you must pull yourself together or else we will lose our men. We have already lost most of our clientele and they have robbed the bank closest to us. I fear they may strike us. It's time to bring The Joker back." He ranted. The Joker sat there for a minute, as the news sunk in to him. His mind, as demented as it is, began to proses the information, anger and rage started to boil in his gut. "Who is leader of this said group? Who is the one that has stolen my crown?" The Joker asked venom seeping from his words. "They are calling her Mother of Gotham.

It has been a few months now. I have climbed to the top and made a name for myself. I stayed at the dreadful ware house for a month or two, so I could get to know the men and cut out the men that I deemed untrustworthy, as well as the kiss asses. The last thing I want is some man crawling on his knees to kiss my ass just to live. Those are the men that will betray you to save his own skin. After I know the ones that were left are my men we moved to my home. We are still hiring for the house is still not full. My so call husband finally came home a month we moved and just as I predicted he brought some slut home as well. He is now tied up in the basement, as our little house pet, and his slut is at the bottom lake behind the house.

My right-hand man is John, and he chose Brad to be his second in commanded. That's the man he trusts just as I trust him, so it is fine with me. The men have started calling me mother, but I am fine with that. It started as a mistake really. Three days after we moved we robbed a bank that just so happened to mainly deal with the seconded most powerful mobster of the city, oppose my bad. Any ways, we came home and Steven walked in to the house last just covered in blood. I started scolding him for getting blood everywhere and he mumbled with a yes mother, but every one heard it and for a week after that they all called me mother when we were at home joking. Out of know where Benny the youngest of all the men came up to me anxious about something he wanted to ask me. So, to help calm down we sat and had tea in the garden out back. He told me about how he grew up in the foster care because his mother discarded him the vary day he was born, and how he grew up parentless so he felt unloved and useless till the day he joined us. So, after his story, he tensed up real tight and softly asked if I would mind if he called me mother, for he sees me as a great mother to him. I was touched no doubt about that, and I granted his request. So, from that day on my hole crew called me mother. My crew is my family and I am their mother. Together we are family bring hell to Gotham.

As sit in the VIP section of my newly purchased, vary active night club, I can't help not to let my mind wonder. I look out to the dance floor and see the many bodies of all the dancers pressed together jumping to the beat of the music. Lights of all color flickering throughout the club, setting the mood for the many people spread out in the club looking to score one way or another. I sit alone on the fluffy white round couch, behind the short round cream table to match. A dozen string of lights hanging from the ceiling down to the flour to separate each VIP room. I look around the night club enjoying the few changes I made to it when I took over ownership. I am not saying the previous owner had bad taste, for I kept a lot of things they had. I simply and a few of my own idea. I took away just about all the gold. From the gold seats to the gold wall paper. I did not like the color gold, find it to bright and too much of a man color. I replace most of it with dark blues and blacks. I found myself keeping the dance boxes for I have that to thank for my start in power, plus I admit that I find myself in there enjoying myself now and again.

I sit quietly, watching my men on the dance flooring enjoying themselves. We had a big job today, robbing the French royal jewel collection that was in town for a privet showing to Bures Wane at the local museum. Thankfully everything went smoothly and no one was hurt. Well no one from my family was hurt, can't say the same to the people at the party, like I care. So, as a reward for such a wonderful job done I took my boy out to have fun tonight. I tagged along to make sure everyone came back ok and all together. Don't mind them sleeping around just do not bring the whores home. If one of the men did bring a girl home it is for more than sex, it is for love. I know sound like I am a softy, but I am. I still believe in love even after my so call husband. Even a criminal deserves someone to come home to, even a family. A few of my men, even my best man John has a wife and a baby on the way at home. Of course, before I let the girl in to my family she had to be tested, all the girls do. Without telling the man, both partners are ambushed and tired up in the basement. One is beat while the other watched to see their reaction, to see if they will stand by them. The final test is the most important the girl is given a choice to save herself or to save him. Either they are both "poised" or both are bleeding to death and only one can be saved, even as far as bribing her. Pay her to kill him or pay her for him to be killed. In the end if the female passes the test she is moved in the next day (after she is recovered) she becomes part of the family.

With me so wrapped up in my thoughts I do not notice the man in a straight black suit walk up to my table. If it was not for my lovely John, who stood behind me and the couch, watching over me I could had been in some big trouble. I have got to stop day dreaming out in the open, I thought to myself. John swiftly moved to in front of my table before the man could take the last step up into my privet room. In a firm, rough, deep voice John spoke, "Name and business" spoke curtly to the stranger. "my name is Frost, and I come on behalf of my employer." The stranger says. "And who is your employer to be so bold to send me a messenger boy?" I asked. "The Joker"

Mother of Gotham, and the Jokers QueenWhere stories live. Discover now