just give me some time

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Me and Puppet sit down at the island, laughing about something i forget what we were joking about.
"Whats so funny you two?" Ballora asks.
"Nothing" we reply.
"Well go laugh elsewhere, im tryna study" Ballora says angrily.
"You know there is a library, right?" Puppet asks.
With a sigh, Ballora gathers her stuff and leaves the dorm.
Outside in the window, i can see Bonnie and Chica kissing each other, "are they dating" i ask, gesturing to the window.
"Yeah. High school sweethearts they are" Puppet answers.
"Nice" i say.
Me and Puppet share a look of... i have no idea what this is, what im experiencing. My eyes fall to his lips, and i quickly avert them to his eyes, his beautiful warm, black eyes.
I shiver as he smiles, his crooked smile. His pale, white face so...beautiful.

I have not yet moved from my spot against the tree. Mari and Lefty left me for their classes, which i did not attend to today because i was too... i dont know, whatever it is that im feeling.
I shiver as the cold breeze engulfs me. I have cried myself out. I do the only thing i have trained myself to do, i light a cigarette and smoke it. Aint no golden bear to stop me now.
Suddenly my phone buzzes and i check it.
Mari: bro, its gettimg late, you should get back to the dorm
Spring:why cant we go to the party?
Mari:bro, its Tuesday night, the party aint till Friday. Get yo ass back here or i come to get u
Spring: leave me alone

Sighing, i put my phone away. A few minutes later, there is Mari's dark figure appraoching me.
"Why wont you do back to your dorm?" Mari asks.
"I dunno" i say, leaning my head back against the trunk of the tree.
"Do you know what youre feeling?" Mari asks, sitting down beside me.
Suddenly i feel warm inside.
"Empty, sad, anxious" i answer.
Mari falls silent.
I look up at the stars, and i check my phone for the time. Wow, its past 10, didnt know it was that late.
"Do you think...maybe you have depression?" Mari asks.
"Maybe. Feels like it" i say, thinking back to when Mari told me his brother is dating Mangle.
All i feel is pain.
"Spring...." Mari trails off.
I hate exposing myself. I just want to be myself again, sick of crying, tired of trying, inside im dead, send help. Im a ticking time bomb.
Mari hugs me, and i start crying again. I couldnt help it.
Then without knowing it im in my bedroom back in my dorm, letting myself fall into sleep.

I wake up to someone knocking on my door.
"Come in" i say lazily.
Goldie enters my room, "where the hell were you last night?" He yells.
"Outside" i say, turning around and closing my eyes.
"You know we have curfew, here, right?" Goldie says.
"So what? Means nothing on weekends" i shrug.
"So what? So what? Plus you did not show to your classes yesterday. If you dont show today you understand that we do not mess around here, we would have to move your class time to early morning, correct? If you dont show to those you may have to have classes on weekends" Goldie explains.
"Wasnt feeling well yesterday" i say.
"If you are asking for some sympathy i hope you understand that i will show none" Goldie says.
"Get the hell out of my room" i say, standing up.
"Excuse me? We are not done here-"
"You heard what i said! Get yo fucking ass out of MY room" i shout in his face.
Goldie frowns, furrowing his eyebrows, and walks out. I watch as he runs out of the dorm through my window.
"Good riddance" i say.

I wake up to the sound of Mari screaming and i quickly pull my outfit on before running out of my room to see whats going on.
"What the FUCK" Mari screams, kicking Puppet's door open.
"Mari! Calm the fuck down" Puppet says, backing up from Mari.
Ive never heard Puppet swear before, hed only said frick or effing before.
"I will have you know, that a door will not stop me from getting to you, right?" Mari sneers, grabbing a nearby object, which just so happens to be a knife because Puppet has some chicken on his plate, last nights meal.
My eyes widen, i have to do something but im paralized with fear!
"Mari!" Puppet squeaks on fear.
Mari lunges for Puppet i stop him, "Mari, why are you angry at Puppet?" I ask.
"Why am i angry? Because this little son of a bitch pissed me off by a comment!" Mari screams, lunging at me, "fuck you" he says, and i scream as he slices through my skin. And again.
"MARI!" Puppet says, throwing himself at Mari who drops the knife. Puppet kicks it away but Mari shoves him to the ground and throws me against the wall, crushing my windpipe.
Where the hell are the others? At classes?
"Mari....." i choke out, but he pushes harder.
Tears form in my eyes and black threatens to enclose my vision. Im terrified of that wicked grin spread wide on Mari's face.
Puppet is too weak to fight Mari, instead he grabs his phone and i think texts someone, one of Mari's friends.
Then i pass out.

My phone dings, and i read a text from Puppet.
Puppet: come quick. Sos. Mari code red
Mari code red could only mean one thing: hes killing someone.
I gather my things and im out the door and across campus in five minutes.
I let myself in and see a disaster. Mari's temper has never gotten this bad before!
Mari has Mangle being choked against the wall, suddenly she faints and Mari drops her, laughing. Then Puppet tries saying something but Mari grabs the knife on the floor and lunges at Puppet.
"MARIONETTE STRINGE TURNAWAY" i yell over Mari screaming, and i dart over to him and pull him away before he can harm Puppet, "what have you done, Mari?" I ask.
The rage in his eyes fades away as he looks at whats happened. He looks at the knife, and then back at Mangle, and that when i realize, there is blood in the knife, Mangle's blood.
Mari stares in shock at Puppet's shaking body, the broken door, Mangle's bloody on the floor, eyes closed.
Then he collapses and starts crying, "what have i done?" He repeats over and over again.
Puppet mangages to crawl to Mangle, "Mangle tried stopping Mari from attacking me, he lunged at Mangle and sliced her, i bodychecked him and he dropped the knife, and he shoved me to the floor and went to choking Mangle. I cant do this shit man" then quietly, i dont think i was meant to hear it, "plus i dont think she feels the spark anymore" he says sadly.
"Soo, you are breaking up with her" i say.
Puppet nods even though it wasnt a question.
Maybe i can confess my love...are you kidding? I cant even admit that o love Mangle to myself, what makes me think i can tell her?

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