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My alarm blares in my ear and i yeet it across the room. I get up, realizing that that was my phone and now its broken.
"Bro whats wrong with you? You aimt answering my texts" El' Chip yells, coming into my room.
I cross my room and pick up my phone, showing him how broken it is.
"Oop sorry sksksk" El' Chip said.
"What the fuck, are you vsco?" I ask.
"No, just gotta be relateable" El' Chip says.
"Fuck you" i mutter, pulling on a shirt and my cape.
"Why do you wear that?" El' Chip asks.
"Because i can, ok?" I reply.
"Jeeze, calm down" el chip says, throwing his hands up.
"When are your classes?"
"Same time as you. Wanna hang?" El chip asks.
"Sure whatever" i shrug, grabbing an eggo and eating it cold.
We head outside to the spot we were before, on the bench in front of a tree, facing the path.
I light a cigarette and inhale, exhaling smoke.
Suddenly i hear a familiar voice.

"So...you had a complicated life?" I ask.
"Not really. I just hung around home mostly" Foxy shrugs.
"And you got a good edacation obviously" i state.
"Yeah" Foxy nods.
"Well hello guys" Springtrap says.
"Hey Springtrap" me and foxy say, in sync.
"Oh dang" Foxy gasps, then starts laughing.
Springtrap narrows his eyes, "and you Mangle are friends, correct?"
"Um...yeah?" I say.
Foxy agrees, nodding his head.
"Great, dont be anything more, please" Springtrap says, eyes still narrowed at Foxy.
"Whats going on here?" I ask, looking between the two.
"SHUT UP FOXY!" Springtrap gasps, standing up, eyes wide.
"Holy motherfucker!" I yell, then gasp, covering my mouth.
Springtrap, Foxy, and who i think el chip gapes at me.
"I mean..." i trail off.
"How come you never swear?" Foxy asks.
"Because" i shrug.
"Is this the Mangle ive been hearing you two fight about?" El chip asks.
"Yea, mangle, this is el chip" foxy says.
"Oh hi, im mangle" i say.
"Ok" el chip shrugs.
Foxy makes to grab my hand, Springtrap sees and lunges at Foxy, shoving him back, "no. Shes mine" hear springtrap hiss.
"What the hell is up?" I demand, though i already know, "well shit. How come three of you are all fighting to have me?"
"Because youre beautiful" foxy says.
"Youre you" Springtrap says.
El chip laughs. We glare at him.
"I know nows probably not the time, but i have something for you" Foxy says, he comes over and gives me a kiss on the cheek.
Springtrap screams and launches himself at Foxy. Spring throws a punch that sends foxy flying upwards.
Foxy recovers quickly and shoves Springtrap against the tree, pinnning him there, he threatens Spring with hook, cuts his cheek a bit.
Springtrap winces and kicks foxy in the chest, he stumbles back a bit before hes on Springtrap again, "shes mine" i hear foxy growl.
"As if" springtrap spits in foxy's face and foxy loosens his grip, letting springtrap escape. Foxy sends a kick Spring's way but Springtrap dodges it.
"Arent you gonna do anything?" I ask el chip.
"No, are you?"
"Last time i stepped in between a fight i almost died" i hiss.
"Oh right, Mari told me about that little skip up" el chip chuckles.
"LITTLE slip up? I ALMOST DIED BECAUSE HIM!" I scream at el chip, punching him the face.
He stumbles back a bit, holding the side of his face where i punched him, "damit mang!" He said, then ran back in the direction of his dorm.
I spit on the ground, shaking ny hand out a little.
Springtrap and foxy have stopped fighting me, now staring at me.
"What the fuck was that?" Foxy asks.
"That...that was me releasing all the pressure and stress of college and life being weighed down on my shoulders" i say, heaving a giant sigh.
"Damn, Mangle" Springtrap says.
I shrug.

I was told to wear black, and its raining. Perfect, it will set mood for the funeral, i think darkly.
"Hey sweets, almost ready?" My maid, Daisy, asks.
"Almost" i call back.
I pull the top over my head and put on my mascara, its black, so why the heck not?
I come out of my room and run downstairs. Dad notices that i put on mascara but is too tired to even care.
"Is my brother coming?" I ask.
"He will meet us at the funeral" dad sighs.

Fifteen minutes later we are at the church where moms funeral is being held.
We find our seats and sit down, the guests arriving and stopping to chat with each other, and with dad. I havent met any of them, they dont notice me, and i feel invisible.
Seeming that things be like that right now, i sneak off towards the food, chowing down.
"Hi" says a shy voice.
"Brother?" I ask, whirling around and coming face to face with a boy with black and white hair, pale face, wearing a black blazer with a red bow tie and golden star, some symbol of some kind. He wears black legging and knee high black boots.
"Do you always wear black?" I ask, after looking him up and down.
He nods, "im lefty" he holds out his hand to shake.
"Im Mangle" i shake his head then drop it and put a grape in my mouth.
"Im sorry about our mom" the boy called Lefty apologizes.
"Meh. Dont really care" i shrug.
"Why?" Lefty asks.
I shrug again.
"Hey you two! Funerals about to start! Oh hi lefty. I see youve met your sister?" A strange man asks.
"Yeah i have, thanks dad" lefty says.
"Well, anyways, cmon, its about to start" we follow leftys dad back out and lefty has found a spot right behind where me and my dad sit.
(End of flashback...)

I wake up from my flashback, my trip to my memories, Lefty on my mind.
"Hey, where is Lefty?" I ask Springtrap.
"Hes at classes, why?" He asks.
"What major?"
"Kay great, thanks!" I say, ignoring his question and i start running to the music section, forgetting that i didnt show up to my classes.
"Mang! Wait" Springtrap yells, i can tell hes not that far behind.
I see Lefty just get out of the building, "LEFTY!" I yell.
He notices me and Spring running towards him.

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