i need answers

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I didnt sleep all night, ive been thinking about the blood on the ground, that spot that Mangle said shed been going to hang out at for a long time. Everyones got secrets.
"Hey Springtrap?" Lefty asks, poking his head in.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Um...just saying that i made breakfast for a change" he says.
"Oh, ok. Just saying, i barely slept last night" i say.
"I can tell by the bags under your eyes" Lefty grins.
"Heh" i say, because im too tired to laugh.
Lefty leaves, because ive made it clear im too tired to get up, but i just cant get to sleep.

I get up and go outside, yawning. Its freezing out here, October has passed quickly.
Then i realize something, i go inside to grab my coat, good thing nobody else is awake.
I head outside and dash toward the spot where the blood lay last night. Of course its still there, nobody is here to clean it up, its just off campus. I wonder who killed who?
"Mangle!" I hear a familiar voice call.
I shiver, and realize its snowing!
"Hi Springtrap. Im trying to investigate more on the blood" i say.
"Oh, i was just looking for you. Luckily i found you here" Springtrap smiles.
I laugh nervously, and shiver again.
"Are you cold?" Spring asks.
I nod.
He hugs me from behind, sending warmth throughout my body.
Suddenly i hear i laugh, and i think Spring heard it too, because he froze as well.
Suddenly a child that looks like Springtrap comes out of the early morning shadows, laughing.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Who am i? Why, i am none other than Plushtrap!" The small child says, with a sly smile.
"What are you doing all the way out here by yourself?" I ask.
"Doing things never thought to be done by a 'small child' like me" Plushtrap says.
"Are you looking for someone, perhaps?" Springtrap asks thoughtfully.
"Why yes, yes i am" Plushtrap nods eagerly.
"Who?" Spring asks.
"She comes to this spot early every morning, white hair, loves pink, english major! Accidently killed the wrong person though, he had light brown hair with the tips dyed black" Plushtrap smiles wickedly.
"Rip Fred" i say.
Springtrap jumps in front of me protectively and i gasp, realizing that this little boy is looking for me! I shiver again, not from the cold, which i feel now that Springtrap has left my side, but from adrenaline, im guessing.
"You will not take Mangle!" Springtrap hisses.
"Is she obsessed with pink?" Plushtrap asks.
"No im not, it just looks good on me" i growl.
"White hair?" He asks.
I nod.
"But his white hair is not dyed" Plushtrap says.
"Wait, at first you said she, but now youre saying he?" I ask, confused.
"Their gender fluid i guess. Do not ask how i know that" Plushtrap shrugs.
"And what are you going to do with him?" Springtrap asks, retreating to my side, warming me up.
"I dunno. I just need him" Plushtrap shrugs.
"At least clean up this mess" i gesture to the blood on the ground.
"Ugh, fine" he says, rolling his eyes.
"Can we leave now?" I ask, shivering from the cold again.
"Ok" Springtrap says, "cya around, Plushtrap!" He waves goodbye to the boy, then realizing my strange look says, "everyones got a dark side". Which is true.

"Wait Springtrap! Theres a murderer on campus now!" I realize suddenly, "we cant just leave Plushtrap here."
Springtrap freezes, and i look around desperately to see why, hoping theres no child murderer waiting in the shadows to jump out at us.
But all i see is that brown haired guy that goes by Freddy.
"What do you want" Springtrap asks.
"I just want a rematch is all" Freddy shrugs.
I look up at Springtrap, concern in my eyes.
"What kind?" Spring asks.
"How about you decide this time" Freddy grins.

I think back to all my talents, dancing i won that last one there, but it depends whos all being challenged.
"It depends whos all being challenged" i shrug.
"Well, me, you, Mari, and how about your little girlfriend here?" Freddy suggests.
I look down at Mangle and realize that i have no idea what her talents are.
"I can sing, i can dance, i could walk in my hands but only if i really wanted to" Mangle suggests.
"Lets do a combination! Singing and dancing" i decide.
"Thats actually a really good idea!" Freddy sneers.
Mangle shivers, and i retreat to her side to warm her up.
"Thank you" she murmurs under her breath, and i smile, Freddy walks away.
"I guess Freddy hasnt found out his brother was killed the other day" i shrug.
Fred was Freddys brother. Fredrick and him loved playing football together. They were pretty close. If Freddy finds out about his dead brother before the rematch he might not feel like doing it anymore.
"Whats up, Spring?" Mangle asks, looking up at me with concern.
I tell her about Freddy and Fredrick, how they were close, how Freddy might not want the rematch done if he finds out about his dead brother.
"I feel bad for him now" Mangle's voice breaks.

I jog through my neighborhood, bag on my back. I look around fearfully at everyone, they give me strange looks, i'll bet they havent even heard of a runaway before!
After the funeral i had a breakdown and i left. I fled my household, my childhood home.
When i arrive in the city, i gasp, and stare at how big it is. After staring at it for a bit, i start walking. I pass a dark alleyway, and i hear a faint whimper.
Thinking its a lost puppy that may need help, i go to investigate it further.
I peer at the lost childs face, twisted in pain.
"What did they do to you?" I ask, recogizing his face.
"Hello?" The boy asks.
"Can you open you eyes?" I ask softly.
He opens his eyes and blinks a few times, his eyes adjusting to the dark.
"Hi, Im Mangle. Do you remember your name?" I ask.
"I- I'm Springtrap" he stutters.
"Good, good. How many fingers am i holding up?" I ask.
"Five. Five pale fingers" Springtrap replies, and sigh with relief.
"Do you remember what happened?" I ask.
"A strange man beat me up, threw me against the wall. My back, it hurts" Springtrap cries.
"Shh, we dont want them knowing we're here!" I shush him.
"Whos them?" Asks Springtrap.
"I have no idea. I think they are kidnapping kids and bringing them to homeless children shelters. Now lets see what i can do about that back of yours" i say, rubbing my hands together, they start glowing.
"Will it hurt?" Springtrap asks, unsure.
"Maybe. This is my first time doing this" i say, gently rolling him on his stomach and putting my hands on his back.
(End of flashback...)

I jerk awake, blinking rapidly.
"Mangle?" Springtrap asks.
"Huh? Where are we?" I ask sleepily, looking around.
"We're outside, where you suddenly fell asleep. I held you up this whole entire time" Springtrap says softly.
"Im freezing." I look around and notice how late it is, and the sparkling white snow on the ground.
"I know baby" Springtrap says, sending shivers down my spine.
"And exhausted" my legs are so weak they can barely hold me up.

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