crash ➳ tony stark

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watch out for a cheeky Little Women reference xo

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Tony Stark had been your best friend since one of his infamous parties. You were drinking alone at the bar, having been stood up by a blind date. Tony had sauntered over and struck up a conversation; instead of rolling your eyes and telling him where he could shove it, you invited him to share a drink. One turned into three, and five years later, the two of you share an apartment on Fifth Avenue.

You've both shared all of your secrets, there's nothing to hide... except that you're in love with the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.

But you've still stood by him through it all: the girls, the Iron Man reveal and the breakdown of the Avengers. And now? Now, you're sliding along the wooden floorboards of your home in socks, playing tag between the furniture.

"Get down from there!" Tony laughed as you climbed onto the couch to avoid getting caught.

"No, I don't think I will." Poking your tongue out at him, you jumped into the next couch.

"Fine, I'll come to you then." You let out a shriek as Tony slid over to your couch, grabbed you by the waist and pulled you off it. But as your feet hit the ground, your sock slipped and you fell right onto Tony. Or rather, onto his lips.

You immediately pulled away and stood up, refusing to meet his gaze. "Tony... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to- I mean, I should have been more careful, who the hell just climbs onto a bloody couch- and I really didn't mean to accidentally kiss you... Well I kinda did, I've been in love with you for the past five years and I really meant to do something about it and tell you how I felt, but I was always too scared... Oh my gosh, I have to move out now! I've ruined our friendship! Okay, that's that, I will move out and-"

Unbeknownst to you, Tony had stood up and was now watching you ramble with a smile. He too had been meaning to do something about how he felt, but could never find the right occasion or opportunity. Now that you had quite literally fallen for him, he was not going to let this opportunity slip away.

"y/n, sweetheart?" He interrupted, tucking two fingers under your chin to force you to look at him.

You begrudgingly met his gaze to find him smiling. "Yeah? What- why are you smiling? Our friendship, it's... I..."

"Sweetheart. Just shut up, and let me kiss you." And with that, Tony's lips met yours again. After a moment's hesitation, you closed your eyes and threaded your fingers through his hair, tugging lightly. Tony moaned into the kiss, tightening his arms around your waist.

The kiss was over too soon as you pulled away, resting your forehead on his as you both gasped for breath.

He smiled. "I have loved you ever since I have known you."

You melted under his gaze. "Tony, I-"

But the moment was interrupted by Tony sliding away from you again. "Catch me if you can!"

You followed him with a shake of your head, laughing as the chase continued.

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