The Milk Bar

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It all started in the milk bar on Marconi Boulevard, a boy with c-major lips, mocha eyes and bright blue hair stood up to greet his friend.
"Hey, Tyler." Said the boy with mocha eyes.
"Hey, Josh, How're you doing?" Replied Tyler, a smile forming as he stared into his best friend's beautiful Mocha eyes.
"I'm fine, thanks, Tyler. How about we go order our milk and have some fun?"
"Good idea, Josh," Tyler responded.

Tyler stared around the room in awe of the decorations. Maroon wallpaper was adorned with images of two men milking cows and beautiful moose antlers hung delicately above the roaring fireplace as a man in a skirt that just receded past his thighs added some new logs to prevent the fire's inevitable death. The fireplace man turned around and stared at Tyler before strolling towards the bartender.
"Hey, Brendon" mumbled Josh.
"Hey, Josh, how much milk would you like today? I can get Ryan to get some extra fresh milk from out back if you like?" Asked Brendon as he pointed towards the man in the short skirt.
"Yea, sure, that'd be great. We'll have a pint each, please."
"That'll be $5.69"
"Here you go," Replied Josh as he handed Brendon the money.
After a few more pints of milk the boys got curious and decided to go to the bathroom together...

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