telling my friends we broke up

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Jennie's P.O.V

I told my friends today, on the couch. we sat there together, just the three of us, of course, they noticed I wasn't like my usual self, happy, joyful and smiling.

I started with, "we are over." I knew they understood what I meant but for conformation people always ask me "what are you talking about?" I sighed and continued " Jimin and I are over.. we broke up" of course the last part with a shaking voice because I am pathetic. they both slight closer to me as I was in the middle, Lisa was on my right and Jisoo on my left.

"Oh Jen, we're so sorry" Lisa started off with killing the silence that was in the room after my words. jisoo just silently rubs my back in comfort. I'm happy with them, they don't ask questions like "why did you guys break up?", I'm sorry I don't wanna think back of why a good part of my life is now gone. my friends are the once that comfort in silent, they know I will talk about it when I'm ready. 

I start to cry softly, a single tear slights down my cheek and quickly I get four arms tightly wrapped around my body, I sob softly as I know I won't get judged and they don't let go.

at this moment, I feel bittersweet because I'm crying with the way you treated me when they were around. why was it different Jimin? why was it different from the way you treat me when we were around your friends?

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