Crash Pt. 1

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A/N Terrible chappie title, but whatever. I'm in a crappy mood and don't feel like writing, but I can't hold off forever. Gahhh. Don't get me wrong, I want to write = gah. It's pouring in buckets outside and I'm sleepy as hell. BUT I will write on for you loves xx <3

Editing to this chappie to make it longer! <3 <3 If you've already read it again to see some changes!



Luckily, I convinced Bri to chill out on the fancy schmancy dresses and shoes for the night. Who wants to wear a dress to a concert? NOT this girl! However, I couldn't convince le diva to not go get mani/pedis . I think she was just looking for an excuse. When I asked for simple green paint, you should've seen her face! If looks could kill, I'd be in the morgue right now instead of on my way to the One Direction concert! 

(For outfit pictures/descriptions go check out the Save My Heart Reading Guide on my profile!)

I was driving, per usual, since Rhyan had his license taken away (too many speeding tickets) and Bri was a year too young to get hers. Bri had her permit, but there's no way in hell I'm letting her drive my car I got for my birthday! No freaking way in freaking hell. I think Mum bought if for me because I super guilt-tripped her for always being away on business. 

(Picture of Jessica's car on the side>>>)

"Damnit Jessica! Hurry up we're going to be so freaking late! Step on it!" Rhyan yelled. Wow. A true male directioner right there! That. Is. Rare. 

I turned up the radio and accelerated quickly so that Rhyan's head slammed into the headrest. It's looking a bit dark outside even though it's only around 5 or so in the afternoon.


"Watch your language, kiddo before I tell your mommy!" I teased and began singing to I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Allstar Weekend.

I weaved in between traffic so easily, I felt like I was in a car chase movie. Maybe that's why I couldn't seem to stop accelerating. By now the sky was pouring rain in buckets, and a thin layer of precipitation covered the dark road. 

"Oh I wanna dance with somebody! I wanna feel the heat with somebody! Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody! With somebody who---" My singing was cut off by the sound of Bri's screams as my Mustang GT squealed and turned a 360. The last thing I remember before I blacked out was a car just like mine but blue t-boning my side of the vehicle. 



Liam allowed Harry to drive for some reason. Liam didn't seem to bothered as he flipped through the radio stations trying to find something to jam to. Personally, I was in fear for my life. In order to calm myself down, I stuffed my ear bits into my ears and listened to some Ne-Yo. 

Suddenly, I felt the car's breaks jerk us. Looking up, I saw a black mustang spinning out of control on a slick rain puddle in the road. Harry must have realized a second too late, because we slammed into the drivers side of the car going about 45 or so. My head slammed into the head rest, knocking me out cold.

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