25. Space pt.2

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This chapter has two parts. See last part for part 1.

We exchange all the information we have about this guy. We now know he has some sort of gauntlet with all these stones in it. He already has three of them, so he's pretty darn strong. We also know he's got this lady called Gamora, and these stupid weird alien people want her back because she is Peter Quills girlfriend.

When we get out of the spaceship Doctor Strange fixes my leg a little. It still hurts, and he couldn't stitch it, so we had to use dad's fixing stuff spray. Not the best thing. But it stopped the bleeding and prevents infection. Only Doctor weird thinks there might be something fractured a little bit. So that's a bit of a problem. I now have a very handy metal stick to walk with.

"What the hell happened to this planet? It's eight degrees off it's axis." The guy, his name's also Peter, says.

"What does that mean?" I asks.

"Means it's not in the place it's supposed to be." Peter Quill says. "Gravitational pull is all over the place."

"Yeah we got one advantage. He's coming to us. We'll use it. Alright, I have a plan." Dad says.

I look around and see the other guys all doing their own thing. Like the lady, for example. She's using the gravity difference to jump up and down. Like a trampoline. I think she looks like a lady but is actually, like, seven or something. It's weird. Peter looks like he wants to join though.

"Or at least the beginning of one." Dad continues. "It's pretty simple, we draw him in, pin him down, get what we need. Definitely don't wanna dance with this guy. We just want the gauntlet."  He explains. Then he turns around and looks a little freaked out. I look over and see the Drax dude yawning. Oh boy.

"Are you yawning? I'm the middle of this, while I'm breaking it down? Huh? Did you hear what I said?"

"Stopped listening after you said we need a plan." He says indifferently.

"Okay mister clean's on his own page." Dad says.
"I think that counts as a pop culture reference?" I say. Dad ignores it, but Peter quickly low fives me.

"See not winging it isn't really what they do." Peter Quill says.

"Eh.. what exactly is it, that they do?" Peter asks. Parker. Our Peter.

"Kick names, take ass." The lady says.
"That's right." Mister clean says.

"Seriously?" I ask. "Is she serious?" Peter Quill just nods while dad sighs with a look that says he's very annoyed.

"Alright. Get over here please." Dad finally says. "Mister Lord. Could you get your folks to circle up?"

"'Mister Lord,' Star Lord is fine.." he nods while motioning the other weirdos over.

"We gotta coalesce. 'Cause if all we come at him with is a plucky attitude..."

"Dude." Quill interrupts. "Don't call us plucky. We don't know what it means. All right, we're optimistic. Yes, I like your plan. Except, it sucks. So let me do the plan, and that way, it might be really good."

Dad just looked away from him completely when mister clean speaks up. "Tell him about the dance off to save the universe."

Oh boy, this just keeps getting better.

"What dance-off?" I ask.

"It's nothing." Quill says.

"Like in footloose, the movie?" Peter Parker asks. To which I quickly call "pop culture!" Peter just looks around a bit lost.

"Exactly like footloose! Is it still the greatest movie in history?"

"It never was." Peter says. I giggle a little.

"Don't encourage this, alright?" Dad says, turning to Peter.

"Okay." He mumbles.

"We're getting no help from Flash Gordon here."
"Flash Gordon? By the way, that's a compliment. Don't forget. I'm half human, so that fifty precent of me that's stupid... that's a hundred percent you." He says pointing at the three of us.

"Unbelievable." I mumble.

"Your math is blowing my mind." Dad says.

"I'm pretty sure that if we were to test it, all three of us would be considered genius." Peter, our Peter, states dryly. I'm not actually sure about that. But I kinda am.

"What's genius? That sounds like a decease." Mr. clean says.

I look at dad for a second, who just slowly blinks. "This conversation just took ten years of my live." He says softly, making me giggle a little.

"Excuse me?" The antenna lady asks. "But does your friend often do that?"

I look over to where Doctor Strange is sitting. Or well, floating, just above the ground. There's a green glow surrounding him and his head's going all weird and stuff.

"Strange? We all right?" Dad asks loudly. He slowly walks towards him, and I closely follow behind. When we get to him he suddenly drops down with a bit of a yell. He gasps a few times while dad holds him up.

"You're back. You're alright." Dad says quickly while Strange keeps breathing heavily.

"Hey what was that?" Peter asks.

"I went forward in time, to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict."

"How many did you see?" Peter ask. The other Peter. Quill.

"Fourteen million six hundred and five." He says. I let out a breath. That's a lot.

"How many did we win?" Dad asks.

"One." Strange solemnly answers after a second or two. Everyone looks around grimly, silently worrying about what we got ourselves into now.

THE WINTER CHILDREN | What They Made Me | part 2Where stories live. Discover now