Chapter 15: Let's hear it for the boy.

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"This is..." I'm speechless. Just plain speechless. "It's not good?" Austin asks nervous. When I look at him, I see that he's fumbling with his fingers and I smile. My hands take his and my fingers entwine with his. Our eyes meet and I recognize a twinkle in his eyes. "It's absolutely perfect. And, it's so damn cute that you keep nervous about this date, while you know that I really like you. You don't need to be nervous, Austin. I wouldn't have agreed to this date if I didn't really like you. You know how much Jackson's disappearance and the whole affair thingy messed me up. But you, and Lorenzo, supported me so much through everything. And I can't ever possibly thank you enough for that. So, promise me that you won't be nervous anymore tonight, because you don't need to. Because you're such a great guy and I am so lucky to spend this night with you. Alright?" I end my speech slightly out of breathe.

Austin places his hand softly on my cheek and I lean into it with a smile. "Sybil Erins, you truly are one hell of a girl." He whispers and the white light of the screen reflects on his face, showing a smile. "Well, I can't deny that. Can I?" We laugh softly.

Taking my hand, he guides me to a few meters away from the white reflection. "Wait, let me get a blanket." He runs to his car and returns with a blanket and a basket. He spreads the blanket on the floor and taps on it. "Have a seat." "Don't mind if I do."

"How did you come up with all this?" I frown at the big screen. He shrugs while opening a can of soda. "I saw it on Instagram and thought it was pretty romantic, right?" "Right." I nod, smiling.

He had bought a little film projector which he had set up in a nearby park. And he had swung some led light cords over several branches from a few trees. With a battery, obviously there aren't any wall outlets here in the open.

"So, I have brought a few cans of iced tea and cola. Which one do you prefer?" "Iced tea for sure." "Of course." "But it's cute of you to assume that I would ever change my mind and choose cola over iced tea." He laughs about my comment and gives a small push against my shoulder. "Let's toast." "To new beginnings." He says. "Sure, let's toasts on the Hills." I laugh. He looks confused and pauses with his glass in the air. "It's a tv show." I explain. "Oh okay... Let's toast on new beginnings anyway." We laugh.

"Which movie are we going to watch?" "I chose one of the very few romcoms that I'm willing to watch." He stands up the press on start on the projector. "Which is?" "Footloose." "The old or new version?" "New. Well, new, it's from 2011. Have you ever seen it?" "Obviously." I answer. "Is it okay if we watch it again?" He asks.

I nod with a smile, "I'd love to."

"Okay, but don't tell me you're also such a bad dancer as Will." "Pff, of course not. Here let me show you." Grabbing my hand, he pulls me of the ground. We start to dance, slowly. My chin rests on his shoulder, his one hand on the small of my back and the other one making little circles on my shoulder. "Don't be so nervous, you're trembling." I whisper with a laugh. "Sorry. I'm just afraid to hurt you, with everything you've been through lately." I swallow away the big lump in my throat before I answer, "I don't think you could ever hurt me more than I've been hurt these last few months."

I pull away my chin from his shoulder and let my forehead rest on his. He's a bit taller than I am, but it feels perfect. I sigh. My eyes close. "You're too good for me, Austin. Worrying all about me, me with all this mess." His hands are on my hips now.

"Please, don't say that. You're worth worrying about. You're worth everything to me. I care for you, Sybil." He plays with a strand of my hair, wrapping it around his finger. "When all this is over, you'll never have to worry anymore. Not as long as you're with me." He brushes my cheek, which was now burning with heat. "I don't know what to answer to that." I whisper. "Then don't answer in words."

His lips meet mine a second later and I answer him. It takes a moment to settle with the idea of kissing someone else other than Jackson. I hadn't kissed anyone after that night. He had been the last to touch my lips.

My hands take place in his hair. A smile appears on my lips. We break off the kiss and just stand there for a moment. "We missed a lot of the movie." I say. He laughs.

After the movie ended, we stay put for a while. Just us two, in full silence. It isn't awkward, on the contrary, it is completely fine. We lie down on the blanket, looking at the stars, with Austin's arm around me. For the first time since Nick reopened Jackson's case, I feel safe. I'm not afraid that Austin killed Jackson, like he wouldn't even hurt a fly. And, I'm really glad to be away from LCBS for longer than an hour. That place sucks away my energy, with me thinking that everything is suspicious and everyone could be a killer. I think I would have lost my mind, if it wasn't for Austin asking me out to go away for an evening.

"Thank you." I whisper out of the blue. "For what?" "This night. My mind would have exploded if I would be one more evening at LCBS." "I know you don't want any pity, but I really do feel sorry for you, Sybil." I don't answer. "I just hope that, once in a while, you can free your mind off the case. I know it's important, but if it's affecting your mental well-being..." I squeeze his hand and turn my head to his. "I'm fine. Really."

Am I though?

Hi! I hope you liked the date, I had very much fun writing it!
See you next chapter and don't forget to spark that mark💫😜!
Oh, and comments are always welcome🥰

A love to die for.  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora