Chapter 26: Dear diary.

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Dear diary,

I must admit; it feels good knowing that they still dont have a prime suspect. Sure, they had Angie, Ava and even Maggie. Ha, as if she would ever be capable of murdering for love. She never even had a boyfriend before. I should watch out, though. I feel like theyre getting closer, day by day. I just have to spread around some false evidence. Or evidence which doesnt quite qualify as evidence.

I want to tease them. I have this real urge to make fun of them, because they still dont know who I am.

I still have Jacksons watch from that night. I cleaned it yesterday and wanted to send it to the police, but Im not sure. What if theres still DNA from me on it? But I want it so badly. I want them to be confused, shocked. Ill probably send it anyway. They arent smart enough to find out anything, so I will be fine.

With a piece of tape, I seal the envelope. I take a white label and a black marker from my desk and write down the address.

I cant help the grin that grows on my face as I only imagine their faces if they get this package. That stupid Nick Davis. He better stays the hell away from Sybil, or hell end up in a coffin very soon. I murdered one of my classmates for that girl, so he shouldnt think that hes safe if he keeps flirting with her.

I will keep clearing the way for us, Sybil. We deserve to be together. I understand that you still dont see how much of a perfect fit we could be if you wanted. Youre still mourning about Austin, and maybe deep down even for that cheater.

I put on my blue cap to hide my face, together with sunglasses. Just in case the police will question the postman and he will snitch me. I put the envelope in my backpack and zip it up. Before I go, I put on my jacket since its freezing outside. I didnt have a choice but to send this envelope at night. Someone might had seen me and asked what I was doing wearing a cap and sunglasses. Or worse; you might had seen me, Sybil, and wondered what I was doing. And Im such a bad liar with you. Except for the whole murdering your boyfriends, of course.

Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, I was going to the post office of the school. It is night, so its closed, but luckily, I could steal the key away from the principal's desk. So, with the key in my pocket, the envelope in my backpack and a grin plastered on my face, I make my way towards the post office. It takes long for me to get there, because it is all away the other side of the campus. But, oh well; anything for love, right?

I arrive at the post office and grab the key from my pocket. With one last look over my shoulder, making sure there is no one there, I open the door and turn on the lights. Jeez, it is dusty in here. But then again; who sends mail to their parents? Indeed, literally no one.

I get the envelope out of my backpack. Lets see Which pigeonhole was it again? I shove the envelope in the pigeonhole to my farthest right, guessing thats the right one.

Alright thats done. A yawn leaves my mouth. Time to get back to bed. Being in love with someone is hard and tiring.

I make my way back to my room. When Ive reached it, I let out a breath I didnt know I was holding.

Time to try and get some sleep those last few hours until the alarm goes off. I change my clothes to a white shirt and a black jogging. A shiver runs down my spine. Jeez, its cold. I curse under my breathe and I pull the bed sheet further over my shoulders as I fall asleep.

A love to die for.  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن