Morning...Part 2

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(Tenji pov)

"W-wait...what?" Kirishima stutters.

"Tenji-san, w-what kind of quirk do you have?" Midoriya asked.

"I can connect people in their sleep," I sigh, looking down to see is Sen-kun is still asleep, luckily he is. I run my fingers through his hair. "Sen was so worried about the four of you yesterday, I offered to help."

"So...none of it was real?" Kirishima asks, his voice saddened.

"Oh no, it was real," I look up at Kirishima and Bakugo. "I only kept the dream open until you both felt at peace with it. Everything that happened was 100% because you both felt it."

"But why was it in the future?" Kirishima asks.

"I don't know," I shrug. "You both must have been worrying about a certain point in your lives. For you two, it was the future." I look over at Midoriya and Todoroki. "And for you guys it was the Sports Festival."

I watch as both pairs look at their partners, slightly confused.

"I remember when Sen and I woke up from our dream, we both had similar expressions. I had been worrying so much about him that I had accidentally activated my quirk when we went to sleep the night he stayed my house the first time."

"We were both worrying about each other," Sen said, grabbing my hand as he opened his eyes.

I look down Sen and smile. "At first I thought it was just a regular dream, until Sen started saying things that I knew had only happened in the dream."

"Linked dreams," Midoriya says. "That's amazing. You definitely have a quirk that will help others. Being able to resolve conflict without people getting hurt is something that will be of use."

"But what happens if the people in the dreams don't resolve the problem?" Bakugo asks.

"Hmm...I dont know," I ponder. "Maybe they'll be stuck in the dream."



(Midoriya pov)

"But what if we had gotten stuck in the dream?!" Kacchan yells, climbing down the bunk bed.

Oh crap!

"But you didn't," Tenji says.

"You bastard," Kacchan walks towards Tenji, Kirishima is right behind him luckily.

"Katsuki, it's okay," Kirishima says grabbing Kacchan's arm.

"If I had thought your feelings weren't mutual, then I wouldn't have done it," Tenji says. "I told you, I only helped out because Sen was worried."

"You really can read our emotions," Todoroki says next to me, looking over at Noya.

"I promise I didn't mean to," Noya laughs. "But the four of you are really intense and your emotions were just there screaming out to me."

These two just met us and were so worried about our relationships, that they helped us without question. A true hero is helpful by instinct, no matter where they come from.

"Thank you," I bow down. "Thank you for worrying about us and helping us."

I hope the others aren't mad at them for helping us...

"Tenji and Noya?" Todoroki say, joining me in a bow. "Thank you very much for helping us."

"Ah...Fine!" Kacchan yells. "Thanks for being nosy and trapping us in a dream!"

"That doesn't sound nice," Kirishima laughs. "But it is manly to say 'thank you' when you should, so thank you for helping us, Noya and Tenji!"

"You're welcome," Noya smiles, laughing a little as Tenji wraps his arms around him.

"I'm glad you're not worried any more," Tenji said.

"Definitely not," he smiles. "I am tired though."

"That's because these four made so much noise when they woke up," Tenji said, before looking at us.

Oh shit! He knows...he must have heard us...

(Todoroki pov)

"Sorry we were so loud," I bow down again. "But I like Izuku's voice."

"S-shoto? You don't have to say that!" Midoriya shakes my arm.

"But..." I start to say.

(Bakugo pov)

"You don't have to explain it Half and Half!" I yell, running my hand through my hair. "Fuck! Fine...sorry we were so loud too."

I hear Kirishima squeak, his face turns bright red.

Screw all of them, the only one who matters to me is this dumbass right here. As long as he's happy, then I'm happy.

"I'm hungry," I look over and grab Kirishima's hand. "Let's go!" I pull him outside.

(Kirishima pov)

"Um...are you really alright with this? With me?" I ask, nervously grabbing his hand harder.

"Of course I am!" Bakugo yells, squeezing my hand. "I don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks."

Something is still bothering though.

"Can I ask you something?" I look over at him. He nods. "Why were you mad last night?"

His body stiffens and he blushes. Wow, so cute...

"I uh..." he starts to say. "I thought you liked Deku. It pissed me off you see you two hugging."

"What??!" So he was jealous? That's

"I know!" He yells. "I just didn't like it. Seeing someone else in your arms. I know it's lame, but-"

"No it's not!" I pull his hand, jerking his body towards me. "You are always manly to me."

"Damn it," he sighs, laughing slightly. "I swear man, you praise me way too much."

"But it's the truth," I blush.

"It's fine," he smiles. "I don't mind it, when it comes from you."

"Wow! Bakugo's smiling!"

" did you do that?!"

I turn to see Sero and Denki approaching us from the cafeteria.

"What are guys doing? Breakfast is almost over. Wait..." Sero starts to say. "Why are you guys holding hands?"

Oh shit...I should probably let go of his hand, what if the guys make fun of us? I didnt even think about what would happen if they found out...

"Isn't it obvious?" Bakugo says. "We're dating."

Holy shit...

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