Chapter 13

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                                                       ~ Doc's POV ~

The darkness surrounded me. I was paralyzed, everything was numb. Was I dead? No, shoulder wounds wouldn't cause me to die so suddenly. So where was I? I couldn't turn my neck, and my eyes were glued to a single spot in front of me. I didn't see anything... it was so dark. Yet, something moved? 

Ah, there it was. I couldn't mistake that face for the world. The dark, malnourished figure stood before me, slouched in a chair like some businessman. "Surgeon, it has been too long."

My eyes widened, and my heart began to beat ten times faster. I felt so... scared. It was such a strange sensation. I had only felt it so often, mostly during my stressed time trying to cure the Great Pestilence so many centuries ago, and the moments that had just recently passed. 

"Lord, how kind of you to grace me with your presence..." I kept my monotone voice, but the Lord would be able to see right through my masked expression. I noticed a figure beside him, the same look as a plague doctor would have, just like me. I could see which of my siblings it was. "Therapist, I see you made an appearance as well."

She gave me this blank stare, and I noticed two bloodied knives in each of her hands. She must have been forced here during work.

"I can't deal with idle small talk today, Surgeon. You are my most valuable subject, but you have been... off lately." The Lord commented, sitting up straighter in the chair.

"Dearest Lord, my sincerest apologies if I have somehow agitated you in some way. My family and recent events have begun to take a toll on my work."

"Surgeon, I created you to save this world, alongside your siblings, from disasters of the humans own making. But, you have strayed far from your duties to handle other business. I am not agitated, but rather curious. Why would you pull away from your divine purpose?"

A lump hitched within my throat, and I struggled to barely get a small whisper out. I saw Therapist lean over to the Lord, whispering something, before he silently nodded.

"I will meet with you at a later date, your child seeks your attention at this moment."

Before I could respond, the Lord and Therapist had disappeared from my gaze. It was dark once again, except I could feel my limbs once more. And, a sudden sharp pain pierced my shoulder as I tried to move. My vision blurred for a moment, before clearing up to a face before me.

"Father? Father! Oh thank goodness you're awake!" Remi lept onto me, pulling me into a tight embrace. I released a gasp of surprise and pain. She caught onto that and pulled away at my wince. Small tears pricked her eyes. "Oh, I thought I might've lost you. When Uncle Larry brought us here, you had fallen unconscious."

I peeked around at our surroundings. It was a dark hospital room, except with an eery undertone to the atmosphere of the location. I looked over to see Ketchup and Tomato curled into a corner. Shy and Larry seemed to be working on something in the center of the room, while I was placed in a corner nearest the door with Remi. "Larry saved us from the fight?" I mused, thinking of how lucky he was to catch us during that moment.

Remi shifted uncomfortably, nodding. "Yep, he caught us while they were still firing." I could sense unease in her, but decided not to push due to our current circumstances.

"What are they working on?" I pushed off the wall with my good arm, getting myself into a standing position as I began to move forwards. Remi suddenly grabbed me, pulling me back.

"Not right now, Father. They... need to focus." She gave a slight grin, but I frowned from beneath my mask.

"Remi, I believe that if it involves something "fixing" wise, I should be of some help. I will not sit here and do nothing in such an environment." She had a pleading look in her eyes, but I ignored it and walked over.

Even though I had seen it before, it still tore my heart into pieces at the sight of Mask's broken porcelain. I kneeled down, tracing a delicate finger over the fracture line. I allowed a single tear to slip from under my mask and onto the ground.

"It'll be okay, he's still with us. He believes there is a way to fix him, but we don't have materials at the moment. He is far too weak to have a host, so we'll have to carry him with us." Larry said, moving to the side so I could have more room. "Place a finger right here, at the temple of the mask."

I did as told, placing two light fingers on the side of Mask. There was a sudden whisper inside the back of my mind.

Doc? Doc, do you hear me? The noise spoke, an urgent sound in the tone. Oh for heaven's sake, please respond. They told me you were shot. Nothing too serious, but how can I know? I can't fucking see!

I'm here, don't worry, love. I'm fine, Remi patched me up and it didn't hit anything vital. I think we should be worried about you more, being cracked and all. I replied back, smiling at the soothing sound of Mask's healthy voice within my mind.

OH DEAR LORD! I would smother you in kisses if I could hold onto a host, but I'm stuck on this nasty floor. Oh, please, don't do anything stupid to yourself while you're trying to escape. Mask replied quickly. I swore I saw the slight glint of purple from within the empty sockets of his face.

I leaned down, giving a quick kiss to the top lip of the mask's mouth. I won't, and I promise to keep Remi safe as we leave. I will fix you as soon as we get out. 

Thank you. I love you so much, Doctor.

I love you too, chérie.


Tehehe, I be getting down some plot now. I'm beginning to figure out how to get this plot thickened, so expect this book to be MANY chapters of drama. It is almost 1 am while I wrote this, so don't mind some spelling errors or anything. I'll go back through it eventually and check for anything. I am literally exhausted since I could've been asleep, but decided to be an idiot and write this, just to publish it in the middle of the night. Hope y'all had a lovely stuff-your-mouth day.


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