Chapter 20

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                                                  ~ Doc's POV ~

We had received a message, one that was not pleasant in the slightest. The others had seen it, as I was informed, which meant that we would have to come to a decision... separately? As far as I knew, we weren't going to be seeing the others anytime soon. 

I was hovered over my work once more. They had been pulling at my brain more often recently, conjuring up a constant urge to indulge my being into the cure. It filled my mind like, well, a plague.

My journal had doubled in size over the few days we were here then in the past few months. I felt accomplished, but also... bland. An odd mixture indeed.

But, I was now feeling completely conflicted in my mind. What are we going to do? What decision could be made? I ran through our group over and over, seeing who would be the most likely to leave. It didn't necessarily seem like anyone would be willing to give themself up so easily, especially after everything we'd been through.

Well, not everyone.

There was me, of course.

I wasn't too concerned with my own safety, only thinking of myself once I knew everyone else was fine.

If I were to give myself up, I could easily be forgotten. I'm certain everyone would be able to move on once they were safe and away from the Foundation's grasp. I wouldn't mind staying there a little longer. I've already quite a bit of my existence there.

Of course, I'd hate to leave Mask and Remi. Mask, my first and, hopefully, last love. I felt so attached to him, my heart melting to only him and him alone. I'm not sure how he does it, as no one has been able to do that. Trust was something I never gave out, especially after... the incident. Yet he won it. And Remi, my daughter, being created to bring both Mask and I joy and know that life can go on, even when you are constantly being watched. She is a symbol of our freedom, which is quite ironic due to our current situation. 

I know that none of them would approve of my choice, but no one would approve of any of us leaving and we'd be in a constant circle of argument, I just knew it.

I was brought a usual plate of crackers, and was able to inform the server of my request. It didn't take long before a group of guards came and took us out.

We were brought to a singular truck and shove in. Didn't seem like they were wasting any time to get rid of us. Whoever this Chaos Insurgency was, they didn't seem to be very fond of holding our group. Who knows, maybe we're just playing chips.

We didn't speak. At least, I didn't speak. I was next to Mask, silently leaning into him and avoiding any of his questions. I knew he could see right through me, quite literally, but I didn't want to make this any harder then it already was.

We drove for a while before being discarded quite rudely in a clearing of the woods. I kept my head to the sky, where the sounds of helicopters grew louder. I just couldn't look any of them in the eyes or I'd break.

The helicopters landed and MTF rushed out, quickly seizing each of us. I just had to hope their promise was true. It seemed like it, due to the fact that I was being escorted in my usual cuffs to a separate helicopter then the others.

The ground shook, and I immediately knew what was happening. Despite my best efforts, I turned my head and looked Mask in the eyes. 

He was furious, which I can't blame him. He probably has a mixture of anger at me and the MTF's. The appendages would quickly sprout of he weren't soothed of his rage.

Mask. Mask, my love. Don't do this. You're ruining your only escape. I whispered in my mind, unsure if he'd even hear it through his anger.

Doc, don't leave me. You promised me when we first confessed that you'd never leave me! The words burned into my mind as I watched helplessly. He was faltering, clearly the flood of grief was dousing the firing anger he once had.

Sometimes lies are the best thing to keep the one's we love happy. Take care of Remi. I thought back. You showed me what happiness truly felt like. Thank you. 

With those closing words, I turned, walking towards the helicopter as my heart slowly broke completely in half. Nothing would mend it, but I would have to live with it.

As I was nearly into the helicopter, I heard the faintest whisper in the back of my mind.

I love you.


Ok, not sure if this is very sad, but I did feel sad writing the last part to it.

First off, just wanna say thank you to those of you who have stuck with me since the beginning, even after I disappeared for a few months. You still came back and supported me through this. Like, I seriously never even thought that my book would get any attention what-so-ever, so seeing that 1k reads is honestly mind blowing.

I might be gone for a few days, this might be a little more dramatic even though I'm gonna be coming back with another book, but whatever. I like being dramatic. :)

Anyways, I finally get to put a completed mark on this book after never thinking I'd finish it.

Thank you.

~ Toodles

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