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"You have a choice to save a life or take one away, that's the power of a combat Medic, choose wisely. War is a crooked line of life and death. Your job is to pull others into life or push them out. When the Demons swarm you, let them comfort you, not attack, tame them, and use them. Remember, the power is yours,"

Those were the last words my father said to me before I shipped off to boot camp. I don't remember even a sliver of my childhood, dramatic experience I guess. I hopped out of my makeshift bed and threw on my outfit. A mud covered "holy ghost" outfit and put on a dark green helmet with a ace painted on the side. I covered the bright red cross due to being targeted by many SS-Officers. Finally I strapped my STEN sub and P08 pistol on and stepped outside the crippled tent.

The sun glimmered against the blood soaked ground. I looked around the private hell. Scorpio was loading dead body's into a truck, she was a tall blondish hair girl with pumpkin orange eyes. Her hair was tied into a ponytail
"Well good morning mate, need help with those lost lads?" I asked gesturing towards the thin pile of olive green bucket heads.
"Only if you promise me a bit of that ol wine you got there!" Scorpio said snatching the bottle from my satchel and taking a sip.
"Yeah great trade now help me with this one." I said sarcastically while striping the guys gear.
"Oi mate its time you rest, we can handle this" I whispered and closed his eyes. Scorpio grabbed his legs as we carted him into the truck.
"Cancer god dammit do your dam job,  I cut my finger get over here!" Said a rough voice from behind me. Capricorn. Our commanding officer, also a unexpected wuss.
"Oh I guess I'll have to amputate your whole arm, it looks infected." I joked as I trudged towards him.
"What the fuck hell no you'll have to take me first!" He shouted pulling a pistol out and aiming it at my head.
"Mate I was joking it's a simple cut I can't waste supplies on that" I replied ignoring the fact he still had his P08 pointed towards me like an idiot. I looked around, we had set camp in a small clearing surrounded by ragged and destroyed houses, five star to France. We had dug trenches and built barbed wire with tank stoppers and spears.
I turned back to Capricorn, he was a slim short white man with ruffled blond hair and a crooked nose, with green eyes. I turned back to see Aries, a averaged height tan kid with short black hair and freckles  dotted his face like bullet holes on a tank.
"Oi mate wha-"
Three gunshots sounded through the silent morning like thunder piercing through Aries chest,
Screams of horror and victory sounded as dozens of Nazi soldiers appeared from bushes, windows and roofs laying down hell on us,

I tackled Aries into a nearby trench and threw my medical bag to the side.
"Fuck I don't want to die here! Those bloody Jerrie's got me good! Please help me!" Aries screamed out in pain.
I scanned the wounds, two hit his right shoulder as the other missed,
"Diese verdammten Schwanzlutscher sollen für unsere gefallenen Soldaten bezahlen, lasst uns diese Ficker kostenlos erledigen!"
The shout came from above us, a German officer jumped in the trench and glanced the other way, I unlatched my  STEN sub and let off a few rounds into his back. The "Storm trooper" fell back in pain.
"verdammter Sanitäter, bitte hilf mir, ich bin erschossen worden! Bitte hilf mir, meine Mutter wiederzusehen! nein, keine Hilfe, die Briten haben mich erwischt! Sag meiner Mutter, dass ich sie liebe!" He yelled out before a deep gurgling came before blood welled up in his mouth.
I strapped up Aries shoulder and propped him against the dirty wall.
There was a weird whistling sound as a deafening boom rocked the ground kicking up dirt and ash into the trench. Aries hobbled off as I lifted myself out of the trench. Dozens of gray uniformed men littered the camp shooting at men as bombs fell, time moved slowly, to the right a flame thrower burned supplies and trapped men. To the left a mounted machine gun shot out a window at runners. This battle was not to be won. I had to leave. Without thinking I jolted and bolted the other way...

Alone again //A zodiac storyWhere stories live. Discover now