t h i r t y-n i n e // breakfast box

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I removed my seat belt and opened the door. As I ran my fingers through my hair, I walked towards Emily's building when I saw her walk out. "I told you to call me when you reach. I can come down a few floors by myself you know." she said, smiling and getting into the passenger seat before I could even walk and open the door for her.

"And you complain about me being not a gentleman." I replied sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and we snapped our seat belts into place and I drove out to the main street. "So where to now madame? Put in the address." I said, glancing at her. She typed in some thing into the GPS and I followed accordingly.

The music played in the background and Emily rambled on about a new TV series. I tried my best to not stare at her and keep my eyes on the road. We reached the restaurant named Breakfast Box and I parked the car. "New place?" I asked to the girl who accompanied me. She nodded and replied, " Yeah, it opened up like two months back."

"What's so special about this place anyway?"

We were sitting at a booth in the corner. There was edgy and aesthetic artworks and lighting's through out. Emily let out a large sigh and clapped her hands together and said, "So this place has a breakfast slash brunch type buffet at 11:11. Really tasty according to the reviews about this place. You can order like from the menu too and if you notice every sitting area is like very enclosed and private hence the name Breakfast Box."

"Well I don't mind ordering or the buffet. You choose." I shrugged. Emily pouted adorably and I looked away from her lips before she noticed. She replied, "I'm too hungry to wait for the buffet to start so lets order!" We went through the menus when she smirked, "Well be ready to pay the huge ass bill that's going to come !" I rolled my eyes and she ordered to her heart's or rather stomach's desire.

"So.. About Jane.." I started and instantly her face fell. Her smile dropped, eyes lost their twinkle. She shifted in her seat and leaned forward, "I have a great plan! So how much I came to know her, it seems she likes straight forwardness and guys who are not like all bark no bite kind of person."

I propped my elbow up on the table and rested my chin in my hand as I continued t hear her ramble on date ideas. Her hands moved around to put emphasis on her points. Our food arrived and we ate it with a few words exchanged. After I paid the bill they asked if this was our first time at the restaurant,and on replying yes , we both got a small bottle, its size being half of my palm with a paper scroll inside.

"This is cool! Kind of like a souvenir and fortune cookie type." Emily said as she hastily removed the cork at the top of the bottle to pull out the paper scroll. I followed her and did the same. I unscrolled mine and it said, 'Something you want, will come to you when the time is right.' Okay. As we walked to the car, Emily asked, "What did your paper scroll thingy say?"

I pretended to zip my lip and throw the key away. "Oh come on! Tell me!" She yelled like a immature ten year old and I chuckled at her silliness. Since it was a weekend I couldn't drive her back to the office and spend more time with her. We reached in front of her building and she unbuckled her seat belt. "Umm.. Bye. See you on Monday." I smiled. She opened the door and froze for a while before turning to face me again.

"I didn't finish telling you my master plan and you haven't met Salsa yet. So.. maybe if you don't mind, You can come up and stay for some time?" She asked tugging a piece of hair behind her ear shyly. this was a win situation for me and there was no reason for me to say no. I got out and waited for her to get out too. she nervously bit her lip and played with the bands on her wrist.

I slightly bowed and teased," Lead the way." she grinned and speed walked inside. "Listen, Salsa is kind of lazy and has a King personality so it might be hard for him to mingle with you. He loves chin scratches and head pats for some reason." Emily went on listing different do's and don'ts which I clearly was not paying attention to.

She knocked on the door and Natalie opened it. "Where is Salsa?" Emily asked her and Natalie replied, "I just gave him some treats so he's probably lying on the bean bag. By the way what is this jerk doing here?" She glared at me, with her arms crossed on her chest. I raised my hands up in a surrender matter.

"Don't bully him Nat. Go meet your lover boy." Emily yelled as she walked towards her room. Natalie motioned a sliting throat gesture and walked out. "Say hi to Liam!" I yelled as she entered the lift.

I closed the door and walked inside when Emily came carrying the tiny orange kitten and placed it on the couch. I stood awkwardly as she continued to baby talk with it and cooed at it.

"Come on! pet it." She said grabbing my hand and pulled me down to settle beside her. "Hey little guy." i smiled at it and hesitantly scratched under its chin as instructed by its owner. "He likes you. I told you just follow the rules and he will be comfortable with you." Emily exclaimed. I laughed at her excitement and placed my hand on her shoulder when the cat hissed at me and pounced between us. "Okay little guy I'll keep my distance." I joked and moved back.

We talked, more like Emily kept showing all the things like toys, accessories, food etc she bought for the cat. I sniffled and tried to block my sneezes but unfortunately it din't work. I sneezed like ten times in a row and was sure my eyes and nose was red by now.

"Harry.. Are yo okay? You were just fine.." Emily asked with a worried expression as she placed her hands on my face and forehead. I slightly leaned into her palms and abruptly pulled away, "Don't worry.. I'm.. I'm alright.." I said and again let out a series more sneezes.

"This is not normal! Some thing .. I.. Uhh.. I think you got a flu I don't know! Let's go to the doctor!" She panicked and spoke more to herself as she got up and walked back and froth. I grasped her wrist softly and she looked down at me. I sent her a smile, "Stop stressing, I'm fine.. It's just that my allergies might be acting up."

Emily furrowed her eyebrows," What allergies?"

"I'm allergic to.. cats." I said sheepishly.

"WHAT?!" She yelled, gathering Salsa into her arms and ran to her bedroom. After a few seconds she comes back, closing the door behind her. She throws her hands up in the air in disbelief ," What is wrong with you! Why didn't you tell me before? Or when you know you have allergies why did you still pet Salsa!"

"You look cute when you ramble and yell." I blurted out. She freezes and a red blush spreads on her cheeks. "Shut up!" She muttered and threw the cushion from the couch on me. She sat on the couch as I sat by her feet my face placed on my hands, beside her lap. "So what now?"

"Let's note down every important thing and practice things for your date with Jane."

I nodded but deep down wanted to scream that I liked her and wanted to talk about anything else other than my date with some one else. Looks like I brought this on myself. 

AttractionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora