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Anonymous P.O.V

I never liked crowded cities. The hassle living in a big city is real...

Imagine how hard it is to wake up every single morning at 5 a.m. just to be able to get to school in time. The traffic is horrible, everything is lifeless. Seeing people running around to get to work, not enjoying their life at all is depressing.

I've been doing this for years. Same routine over and over again. Believe me or not, but I going crazy. I feel suffocated by this environment and I feel like my place is not here.

"Your place is where your heart is..."

For years I'm hearing voices. I talked to my parents about it and they laughed, telling me that it's just in my head. Maybe they are right, but sometimes everything is so real, like I can hear it loud and clear.

I'm pretty sure it's not magic. It couldn't be...*putting my hand on my forehead*...nope, I don't have temperature and definitely I'm not sick. Just thinking about this voice is giving me a huge headache.

I just want to go home. Everything is annoying about this school. It even has a motto: "Study the community and change the future" what kind of retarded motto is this? To be honest, I don't even want to know. Let me get straight to the point! This school is like a fortress full of enemies and I'm locked here with them to socialize. Here nobody wants to help you, not even the teachers. It's you or them. This kind of environment is not beneficial for anybody but I guess that's how the society is nowadays.

"Oh, stop complaining! Your parents sent you to school to study, to be able to get a good job later and all you do is complaining about life like a little bitch *growling*. "

It's like this voice can read my mind. How is that possible though?!

"Stop being surprised, I was always there with you since the day you were born. I am you and you are me. We are bounded forever and nothing can split us. Get used to me, you little whining bitch because we will be best friends someday, not that you have too many, hahaha."

Great! Now I'm possessed. What's next? Flying with fairies?... Ugh, this day is killing me. Thank God it's 3 p.m. already. Time to go home, finally.*sighing like I have the all problems in this world on my shoulders*.

"You better hurry up cutie, your parents are waiting for you."

Shut up!!! I don't know you!!! *looking around to the people that are bewildered because of my reaction*. Now I'm starting to become red and really embarrassed. I really need to hurry up home. This is a nightmare I swear! Somebody please wake me!!!

After 30 minutes...

Opening the front door to enter the house was a bit strange. The door looks like it was forced but not enough to look suspicious. What's going on?!

"Be careful, somebody is here!!!"

Moving slowly to the living room, I heard noises coming from the kitchen. There was a strange voice, very manly and bossy. Who the hell was that man, I wonder.

Mom?! Dad?! I'm home. *trembling voice*

- Welcome home, sweetie! said my mom with a really warm voice; that calmed me a little.

- Please come in the kitchen for a moment, we need to talk! said my dad with a very serious voice.

I wonder if I'm in trouble. Oh, well... Yolo, I guess. Ready or not, here I come.

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