Boom! Banana Slamma! Part 2

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Boom Banana Slamma Part 2

(we come back to Zeta and her pet baby dragon Nazboo with the crystal coconut in Zeta's hands)

Zeta: Clear, round, and very dull.

(Zeta groans)

Zeta: Grr! The one gem I find and for those two genies and that smart friend of theirs to not stop me. I get the most useless one of them all!

(Zeta notices visions inside the crystal coconut)

Zeta: hmm... but I guess I could use a new crystal ball. Come on Nazboo.

Nazboo: Okay!

(Zeta and Nazboo walked to their scooter and flew away.)

(cut to Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong up in the clouds)

Donkey Kong: wh-where are we Diddy?!

Diddy Kong: I don't know DK. But this is bad! Were probably hundreds and hundreds of miles away from Kongo Bongo!

(the monkeys are in a state of panic)

Donkey Kong: How did we even entered this place? How can we get back?

Diddy Kong: that bottle from earlier has got to have something to do with it. But I'm not sure how to get back either.

Donkey Kong: are you saying... WE'RE STRANDED!


(Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong are losing their minds, Donkey Kong slaps the ground like there's no tomorrow, which caused the cloud floor to go poof)


(Cut to Shimmer, Shine, and Leah at the marketplace)

(Shimmer is trying to find that twinkle she saw earlier but it's gone.)

Shimmer: I know it's here somewhere!

Leah: what's Shimmer looking for?

Shine: Shimmer thought she saw some kind of light before we hung out with you at the beach.

Shimmer: I swear I saw it! I'm not going crazy, aren't I?

Leah: maybe somebody else got to it before you did.

Shimmer: *sigh* I guess you're right.

Shine: hey. Don't feel bad sis. We have plenty of gems back at home.

(Shimmer sadly sighs)

Shimmer: *sigh* I guess so.

Shine: let's head back to our palace. We'll do something fun up there.

Shimmer: okay.

(Shimmer, Shine, and Leah got on their magic carpet and flew away)

(We cut to Zac and Funky Kong)

(Funky Kong is teaching Zac on how to surf.)

Zac: Whoa! Balancing on a surf board is harder than I thought.

Funky Kong: the key to perfect balance is the way the waves are dude.

(Funky Kong gives Zac's attention to the gentle waves)

Funky Kong: if the waves are calm and soothing, just mess around and practice some cool tricks. Go to your happy place and let the waves do the work for you.

Zac: okay?

Funky Kong: but if the wave are big and mean, focus your attention to your feet. Don't get distracted by anything.

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