Boom! Banana Slamma! Part 3

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Boom Banana Slamma Part 3

(We cut to Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong)

(Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong are in some kind of grassy plains below some clouds. They also came with a potion belt and potion holsters respectively.)

Diddy Kong: I think this is a good spot to get back up to the clouds.

Donkey Kong: okay Diddy. But uh, quick question.

Diddy Kong: Yea DK?

Donkey Kong: what are these potions for again?

Diddy Kong: *sigh* you really need to pay closer attention whenever someone gives us information.

(Flashback back in Zeta's hideout)

Zeta: now. Since you can't get up to the clouds, I'll have to give you some potions.

Diddy Kong: okay? What do they do?

Zeta: the green one is a jump potion, once you splash this, you'll be able to perform a huge jump. It should be high enough to reach the clouds.

Diddy Kong: huh. That sounds handy, and fun.

Zeta: oh it is. And if you got all the crystals, use this purple recall potion, it'll allow you to come back here.

Diddy Kong: wow! Are you getting this DK, this sounds so cool!

(Donkey Kong is missing)

Diddy Kong: uhh DK? Where are ya buddy?

Zeta: uhh... I think I know where your big hairy friend went.


(Zeta and Diddy Kong went to where Zeta keeps her food.)

(Donkey Kong and Nazboo are looking for food.)

Nazboo: ooohh. Nazboo hungry.

Donkey Kong: Bananas! I gotta find bananas!

Zeta: uhh... what do you think you're doing?

(flashback ends)

Donkey Kong: I was hungry Diddy! Boy, I could really go for some banana cream pie.

Diddy Kong: Yea... that does sound good. But we can celebrate later DK. We gotta get the crystal coconut! Or Cranky will have our heads!

Donkey Kong: y-you're right little buddy! We'll just go in and out. Like a five-minute adventure.

Diddy Kong: or a five-minute home invasion. A-anyway, come closer to me.

Donkey Kong: okay.

(Donkey Kong got close to Diddy Kong)

Diddy Kong: here goes nothing.

(Diddy Kong smashed the jump potion on the ground. Green liquid splashed everywhere.)

(Diddy Kong performed a very high jump)

Donkey Kong: Hey! Wait for me Diddy!

(Donkey Kong performed a very high jump)

(we cut to Shimmer at the market place.)

(Shimmer is still looking for a jar of glitter for the banana cream pie)

Shimmer: now if I we a jar of glitter... where would I be?

(Shimmer scouts the area and is hearing rumors about a gorilla and a monkey)

Male Genie: hey... did you hear about what happened to the northwestern cloud?

Female Genie: no. what happened?

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