Boom! Banana Slamma! Epilogue

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(one week later)

(we cut to Shimmer and Shine hanging out at Samira's palace under construction.)

Shine: the thing in the crystal coconut said what?

Shimmer: that it knew Princess Samira and told me to say hi to her!

Shine: whoa. You experienced a lot when you were in that thing.

Shimmer: oh believe me. It was hard!

(Shimmer and Shine walked up behind Samira)

Samira: a little lower... a little more. More...

Shimmer: hi Samira!

Samira: GAH! Oh it's you two. What brings you two here?

Shine: Shimmer has something to say.

Shimmer: Inka Dinka Doo said hi.

Samira: wait... you've met Inka Dinka Doo?

Shimmer: yep. When I was in the crystal coconut, he got me out when I told him I knew you! I never knew he was once your owner.

Samira: y-yeah. He was.

Shine: hey... what's wrong?

Samira: oh, it's nothing... I just miss him.

Shimmer: you really seem to care for him, do you?

Samira: of course he's like Leah to you, we were inseparable.

Shimmer: whoa!

Shine: can you tell us your story about him?

Samira: well... okay, just for you two.

Shimmer: yay!

(we cut to Zeta in the market place, sweeping)

Zeta: well... I may be on Samira's good side again, but I don't think anyone would even look at me after what happened a week ago.

(Zeta notices a couple of genies glance over her and then just ran off)

Zeta: *sigh* I guess I deserve this.

(Zeta then heard some pots wiggle)

Zeta: huh? Who's there? I have a broom and I know how to use it!

(The Pot tipped over and broke. Nazboo was in the pot.)

Zeta: N-Nazboo!?

Nazboo: Zeta!

(Nazboo ran up to Zeta and hugged her leg)

Zeta: Nazboo! Where have you been, after I transformed it seems you just disappeared!

Nazboo: Nazboo went to find friends to help. Nazboo went to hide when friends fly, then Nazboo got stuck.

Zeta: well... guess that makes sense.

(Nazboo gets on his back)

Nazboo: Tummy rub?

(Zeta sheaded a single tear)

(Zeta got down on her knees and gave Nazboo an intense tummy rub as Nazboo giggles)

Zeta: I've missed you so much you little loveable dragon! Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?

Random Guard: hey! You still have cleaning to do! Get back to work!
Zeta: EEP! Right away!

(Zeta stopped rubbing Nazboo and started sweeping again)

Nazboo: ooh. Nazboo can help!

(Nazboo starts to pretend sweeping)

Zeta: Pff! Silly dragon.

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