Going Outside

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Blocky searched for ages for Golf Ball. Well, he found Tennis Ball first and asked where she was. Tennis ball said she was near the woods, so Blocky thanked him and ran off, but before doing so, asked TB if he liked GB. "Well... I-uh... *high squeaky awkward mode* yes?" Tennis Ball admitted.
"I knew it. Well thanks, because I need to use the MMR." Blocky said.
"What for?"
"Umm... something I'm doing...?"
"Oh come on, we all know you like Pen."
"Actually Eraser too."
"Wait... what?"
"Oh no... please don't tell anybody."
"I won't."
"Well thanks. I'm going now." Blocky walked towards the entrance of the woods, where Golf Ball sat, making something. "Hey GB." He said.
"Oh, Blocky, what do you want?" GB asked.
"Can I use the MMR?"
"What for?"
"Tell me what for then I will let you borrow it."
"Ughh fine. I'm trying to find out if Pen and Eraser like me."
"I always knew you liked those two. Well, take the new and improved MR. No mutuality needed. Find out if they like you."
"Thank you so much."
"Don't forget to bring it back."
"I won't. Well see you when I bring it back."

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