- the color yellow | 02

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The next time something yellow appeared on Bill's porch, he started to understand.

He walked outside and almost stepped on it, a sharp gasp being ripped from his lungs as he lurched backwards and stared down at his front step. He had been confused for a second, bending down and picking it up slowly, turning it over in his hands, but after looking at it a bit closer, he began to smile. He glanced around, but the only people he could see were the silhouettes of a young girl being led by the hand of her mother. He could see the matching yellow flower tucked behind her ear when she looked back with a dazzling smile, and his heart melted a little bit, despite the fact that he still didn't quite get it.

He looked down at the plant in his hand, and couldn't resist the urge to sniff it. In Bill's opinion, all flowers smelled the same— but this one seemed to be just a little bit sweeter. He was supposed to be on his way to open house for the new school year, but he dashed back into the house, rummaging through closets and cabinets for a vase. Eventually, he settled on a tall cup. He filled it with water and placed the flower into it, fingertips brushing the petals softly. He smiled the whole way up the stairs, careful not to spill, and walked into his freshly cleaned room.

Unsure of where to put the new offering, he cleared off a portion of his desk and put it down there, before folding Georgie's jacket and moving it behind the flower. He placed the boat beside them as well, then stood back. The yellows all blended together nicely. He actually quite liked it.

"Bill, honey, we're gonna be late!" His mother shouted up the stairs. Bill turned on his heels and ran out of his room, meeting her at the front door. She seemed to be in a good mood today, which was rare— she smiled and smoothed Bill's hair down atop his head, patting his cheek before leading the way out the door.

"Are you excited?" She asked, once they were in the car and on their way to the high school.

"Yes," Bill replied truthfully. He was excited to leave the middle school. It held nothing but bad memories for him and his friends. It was the school he had been in when he was informed that his brother had gone missing. It was the school that Henry Bowers had terrorized them in for three years. It was the school some of the worst teachers in the world worked at, although that was the least of Bill's worries.

Needless to say, he was excited for a fresh start in a new building that wouldn't haunt his nightmares, without a bully to haunt his waking days. Hopefully he would have classes with his friends that were run by teachers better than the ones they'd previously dealt with.

When Bill's mother pulled into the school parking lot, Bill spotted Stan right away. He was out of the car practically before it had even stopped. He ran over quick as he could, greeting his friend warmly.

The Color Yellow | Georgie DenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now