- the color yellow | 03

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Summer Anderson didn't quite understand what was going on the first time she heard his name after he went missing.

George Denbrough had been her best friend ever since kindergarten. He was easily the oldest in their grade. His birthday was only a few days after the school year started. The first time she had ever walked up to him and asked him his name, he was already 5 years old while most of the other kids were only 4. He knew how to tie his shoes, and count to 100, and write his name.

He even knew how to make paper boats.

He was the one who taught Summer how to make her very first paper boat. She never really got the hang of it. Her folds were always crooked and slanted.

"That's okay!" Georgie would tell her enthusiastically, even though his were always much neater. "You're getting better, I can already tell. Let's make another one!"

They did everything together when they were in school. They even sat at the same table. Through the years, they continued to be placed in the same classes. They had the same first grade teacher, marking their 1 year anniversary of best friendship on the day Georgie turned 6 before anyone else in their class. September 18th was the earliest birthday out of anyone in their grade.

After his 6th birthday, Georgie came to school the next day in a bright yellow raincoat. It was shiny, squeaky clean, and brand new. He wore it everywhere. He took it off indoors, but as long as they were outside, it was how you could most easily pick him out of a crowd. Georgie loved that coat because he could do everything in it. He could play in it in the sun, and he could play in it in the rain, and those were everything to him.

But he loved it most of all because it was yellow.

Summer liked to think that she knew more about her friend than anyone in the world— In fact, she was sure even now that she still did— and the thing that Georgie was always most excited to do was to use the color yellow. He drew everything in yellow. He wrote his name in yellow marker, he colored all of his paper boats yellow, he would collect the yellow dandelions every day at recess (usually he gave them to Summer with a shy smile and called them 'bouquets').

One day in October of second grade, when Georgie was 7, he drew a picture of himself and Summer in matching yellow raincoats. They were holding hands. It was raining, but the sun was out (also drawn in yellow) and there was a big rainbow over them. That was the first day that he ever went to Summer's house. He told her that he really wanted to give her a letter, so he put the drawing in an envelope and his mother drove him to deliver it. They spent the afternoon together discussing the drawing, and making more like it— thy also made boats, because you could never have enough practice (Summer's were as messy as ever).

The Color Yellow | Georgie DenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now