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Scarlet POV

I wandered around the mall a little bit until I heard my name being called. "Hey Scarlet!" I turn around to see my old friend, Tyler. He was my best friend from 6th grade up until last year, my sophomore year. His family moved from Philly all the way to California. Something about how they needed a "fresh start."

"Hey Ty! It's been awhile. How's life in Hollywood?" I said, snickering at how playful I was being. He rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth. "I don't live in hOlLyWoOd. I live in San Jose. The best weather in the country thank you very much!" I laughed at him.

"So, what brought you back to Philly?" I asked him, surprised as to why he was here at such a random time.

"Well, school in Cali ended about a month ago so I thought I'd come and visit my old friends and family. Problem with that?"

I chuckled. "Nah I was just supris- wait, school ended a month ago for you? I still have a whole month left. What the fuck. That's bullshit."

He laughed. "Do you have any other plans today? Besides wandering around the mall for the hundredth time?" I laughed but then made a serious face. "How'd you know I've been wandering the whole time? Hmm?" I asked him, being as obnoxious as ever.

He smiled. "I've got my ways. You still have my number right?" I nodded, signaling for him to continue. "Aight. Just text me around 7 and we'll go to the skate park or something." I nodded again, agreeing. We said our goodbyes and walked in the opposite directions.

-time skip-

I got home around 6:30 and as soon as I opened the door, I heard arguing. Great. I ignored my mother and fathers altercation and walked upstairs into my room and softly shut the door. I connected my phone to my bluetooth speaker and started playing some Green Day. I screamed the lyrics as I started getting dressed.


I played the air guitar while singing veryyy loud. I threw on my white Thrasher hoodie and a pair of baggy white sweatpants. I put on my white Vans and slicked my short blond hair into a small low ponytail. I always wore baggy clothes since they were more comfortable and I liked the way they looked. I never wore makeup because....ew.

I checked my phone and it was 6:57. I disconnected my music and sent Tyler a text saying I would meet him at the park in about 5 minutes. I grabbed my small backpack and put my speaker and my phone in it and grabbed my skateboard. I headed towards the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and a bag of hot fries and stuffed them into my backpack. I walked over to my mom who was sitting on the couch with a cigarette in her hand, staring off into space.

"I'm just going down to the park to meet up with Tyler. I'll be back before 10." She smiled. "Oh! Tyler's back in town? Tell him miss Marie misses him and that he needs to come visit me. I'll see ya later baby. Love you."

I gave her a small hug. "Love you too ma." I walked out the front door and off of the porch onto the sidewalk. There wasn't anybody on the road so I decided to ride in the street. The weather was really nice today. It was about 80 degrees and slightly windy. The sun was beginning to set and the street lights were starting to light up the road.

I skated for about 4 minutes until I reached the park. I picked up my board and stood for a second, scanning the area for Tyler. I spotted him at the other side of the park, sitting on a bench playing around on his phone. I skated down the slope and up a small ramp. I did a small kick flip but barely landed. I slowly skated over to where Tyler was.

He looked at me with a smile. After a few seconds of him looking at me, he chuckled. "Been a while since you last skated huh?" I scoffed. "No. I skate all the time. I just hardly do tricks anymore."

He laughed and got up from his seat. "So, what you been doing while I was gone? How's Miss Marie?"

"Everything has been pretty much the same since you left. Oh, ma said that she missed you and that you should come visit her." I smiled. My mom fell in love with Tyler as soon as she met him. The only reason she even let me hang out with him in the first place was because he's gay. If he were straight, I wouldn't even be allowed to hang out with him at all.

(Tyler is a top, not a bottom btw🙃)

He laughed. "I missed her too. Her and ole man still arguing?" My smile faded into a small frown. I nodded my head.

We talked about a bunch of different things while we skated. After a while, I got tired of skating and decided to lay down on the concrete. I took a sip of my water and took out my speaker. I put on the song that me and Tyler would always listen to when we were together. It was kinda "our song" or something like that.

"Do you have the dime,
To listen to me whine?
About nothing and everything all at once"

"Hey it's our songggggg!" Tyler yelled as he sprinted over and sat beside me. I laughed at how dumb he was sometimes. We sat and listened to music for about 20 minutes until I realized what time it was. "Oh shit! It's 9:58! I told my mom I'd be home before 10!" I quickly grabbed everything and tossed it in my backpack before slinging it over my shoulder and grabbing my skateboard. I sat it down in front of me and put one foot on it before turning around.

"You coming?" Tyler looked over at me as if he was confused. "Oh! Yeah." I shook my head at how slow he is and chuckled. We both speeded back to my house and by the time we got there, it was 10:03. "We aren't too late." Tyler said reassuringly. I nodded my head and slowly opened the door. "Ma? I'm home. I brought Tyler back with me!" Tyler closed the door behind him and we headed into the kitchen where we heard some noise. My mom was standing in front of the sink with the phone up to her ear. She couldn't see us since she was turned around, looking through the window. I guess she didn't hear us either so me and Tyler eavesdropped her conversation.

"No Symere! I am not letting that happen!"

Who the fuck is Symere?

She paused for a few seconds, listening to whoever was on the other end of the phone. She let out a long sigh before speaking again, in a much lower tone. She sounded almost as if she had lost an argument.

"I'm only doing this because I love her and don't want her to be in danger anymore."

The person talked a bit more before she replied.

"Okay. I'll have her ready by Friday."

She hung up the phone and me and Tyler quickly walked back to the door to pretend that we just came in. "Hey ma, we're back!" I said, acting as if I just got here and didn't hear her mysterious conversation. Her eyes lit up and a smile grew on her face as soon as she saw Tyler. She embraced him into a tight hug. "Hello T! I've missed you sooo much dear!" Tyler chuckled as he hugged her back. They made small talk for a while until he had to start heading back to the hotel that him and his family were sharing while they stayed in town. I walked him to the front door as he whispered for me to let him know what the conversation was about when I find out. I nodded my head and closed the door after he left.

I turned around to see my mother standing at the kitchen island, looking at me with sad eyes. "Scarlet, sweetheart, I need to tell you something and I need you to be very understanding. This is hard for me as well..."

1422 words😳
Tyler isn't Tyler The Creator in this book, but that's who imagine him to look like. You can imagine him however you want though.
Chapter 2 coming very soon😈

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