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Scarlet POV

I sat across from my mom at the island with a concerned face. "Is everything okay?" She had bags under her eyes and she seemed very fidgety. "I-I'm afraid not Scar.." she sighs. I look at her worried.

"Your father, he's not the man you think he is. I don't really know how to tell you this, but your father is the leader of one of the biggest gangs in Philadelphia. I always kept you protected from it because there is no telling what the gang would want to do with the leaders daughter."

I sat there in shock. I couldn't speak or do anything. I was frozen. The more I try to process it, the more it makes sense. I mean, my dad and mom would always argue and every time my dad had his "friends" over, my mom would take me with her to the store or to go do something fun. God, I'm an idiot. How did I not notice this sooner?

My mom continued, "Recently, him and his gang have gotten out of control. They've been more reckless about their doings and your father has been coming home fucked up every night. I just got off the phone with one of my friends, Symere, and he has been keeping an eye on your father and his gang for awhile." She takes a deep breath and her voice is a bit shaky, as if she's about to cry. "Symere says that your father has been planning to get you involved in the gang and do some terrible things that you shouldn't ever have to do. Listen to me when I tell you this and please understand why I am doing this. You are going to pack your things and move to LA with Symere. There is no way out of this. It's only to keep you safe. Symere is an amazing guy and I trust him with everything I love. He will protect you for as long as he needs to."

By now I was crying because this is just way too much to take in. What kind of things could my own father want me to possibly do?

"Mom, what are you going to do? You can't stay here with him! If he finds out that you are sending me to LA, he could hurt you." I was beyond upset. I couldn't let my mother get hurt.

"I'll be fine baby. I'm going to go live with grandma in New York. I would take you with me, but I can't risk you getting hurt. Your father is smart. He would easily be able to figure out that you were with me at grandmas. He doesn't love me nor care about me anymore, so he shouldn't care as much about me leaving. It's you that he wants for the gang. He's selfish and heartless baby, and there's nothing we can do about it."

I nodded my head. I still couldn't help but worry about my mother. I sighed and started to feel angry.
I always do that. I can never be sad for long, because it always turns into anger. "When am I leaving?"

"Well, today is Wednesday. So you have tonight and tomorrow to pack. Symere will be here to pick you up Friday at 7am sharp." I sighed. I need sleep. I can't deal with all of this right now. I hugged my mom and told her goodnight. I started to head upstairs into my room before she stopped me. "I have to get rid of your phone. We can't risk your father tracing you and finding you. Symere already said he'll get you a new phone once you leave Philly." I nodded and continued up the stairs. As soon as I got to my room I shut the door and grabbed my phone. I never took many pictures of myself so I wouldn't really be losing anything on my phone besides phone numbers. I decided to write down the important numbers that I had onto a piece of paper.

Tyler's, my moms, grandmas, and my grandmas house phone cause sometimes she can't figure out how to answer her cell phone. I stuffed the piece of paper into my pocket and got my suitcases out of my closet. I had quite a few clothes so I had to have at least a couple suitcases. I started to take all of my oversized shirts and hoodies out of my closet and neatly folded them. I placed all of them into one suitcase and zipped it up. Then I took all of my sweatpants, baggy ass shorts, and baggy ass pants and put them in the other suitcase. I grabbed my duffel bag and stuffed it with all of my shoes. Then I put my underwear, bras, and socks in the inside compartments. I closed it up and shoved it to the side with the other suitcases.

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