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"Open the window one more time and you'll be going out of it, Spencer."

He turns toward the woman speaking to him, laughing, "C'mon, it'll be fun!"

Grey brings her arm over the console to punch his shoulder. "Oh, shut the fuck up."

They were on their way to the BAU, and getting close to arriving. Spencer had been going through all of Anne's talking points from the lecture, and dissecting them, out of interest. He had gotten to her discussion of irrational fears, and was questioning her dislike of flying insects.

"I think having a moth in here would give the car character," he suggests, faking Grey out and pretending to reach for the window knob on the console, then immediately retracting his hand.

"Moths are nocturnal, god damn it," she chuckles, using her right hand to grab his left, holding it still so he wouldn't touch the controls anymore.

Reid stumbles over his words, filled with laughter. "I'm sorry, I know it's a legit thing and it shouldn't be funny's so hilarious."

"It's just as funny as your fear of the dark, I get it," she returns, grinning.

"You really had to bring that up?"

She pulls into a parking lot, musing, "I think I did. It's only fair."

Spencer shakes his head, looking down at his watch as Anne maneuvered her way around a parking space. "We're fifteen minutes early."

"Right on time, then," Grey replies, putting the car in park and pulling her keys from the ignition. "She'll probably show up a little early. Try to prove something."

Reid unbuckles his seatbelt, and the two exit Anne's car. He eventually questions back, "Were you this judgy when Hotch hired me?"

"Probably," she honestly answers. Beginning to walk towards the building, she adds, "You're lucky I liked you first thing, y'know?" 

She was right, considering she hadn't trusted any new agent as quickly as she had Reid. Hotch took about six months for her to get along with, and Morgan, too. Spencer just happened to be a bit different.

"You liked me?" he questions, obviously doubtful. "For the first case I was like 90% sure you were two seconds from cutting my head off at any given moment."

Anne quickly denies his statement."Shut up! I was nice to you!"

He furrows his eyebrows. "You threatened to shove me out of an SUV." Spencer, of course, vividly remembered that time. They had been on their way to a coroner's office together on the One For Sorrow murder case.

Smiling slightly, Grey defends, "Then I invited you to my friend's wedding! As a date!"

The mention of Hazel doesn't seem to have an effect on either of them. Grey had grown numb to her friend being mentioned within two weeks of her death, and Spencer had eventually gotten used to it. It had only taken him longer since he used to become concerned for Anne every time the name was brought up.

"That was a date?" he inquires, grabbing the handle of a glass door, swinging it open and holding it for Grey.

She steps through, speaking in a slightly more hushed tone, since they were now in a mildly crowded lobby. "I'm going to pull my gun off of my belt and shoot you with it."

"You're making a lot of threats for someone who just entered an FBI building."

She steals a glance at him as they walk to the elevators. Pressing a button on the wall, Grey smiles, saying, "I love you," so softly that it seems like she's mouthing it.

Front Lines| Spencer Reid + Anne GreyWhere stories live. Discover now