twenty six

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Spencer Reid and Aaron Hotchner were stood next to two security guards, discussing standard rules for a prison visit. Both of them were pretty well aware of such regulations, but didn't feel the need to interrupt a quick refresher.

"And we obviously have the alarm button on the wall," one of the guards continues. He had introduced himself as RJ. "It isn't a major thing when you press it, though. That just gives us a signal that you want the doors unlocked. We can't stay in the area for the entire meeting, but we also can't give either of you a key, for safety reasons, so that's what the button's for."

"Right, so, I press the button and you guys head our way to unlock the door, yeah?" Spencer asks. He knew that he was exactly correct, but he figured that making sure the guards were aware that he understood would be reassuring.

The other man, Rob, nods. "Exactly," he confirms.

"And I'm free to stay as long as it's behind the glass, correct?" Hotch asks, looking between each guard.

He and Reid had discussed it on the drive, and they both agreed that Aaron observing the meeting would be a good plan. Spencer made it very clear that he wasn't going to the facility to play nice with Lawrence, and that warranted a fair amount of concern. He had also said that he didn't really mind Hotch listening in on the conversation, since Anne had said she was perfectly fine with both men hearing any sort of information Lawrence thought that he had about her.

"I don't care what he tells you guys," she had said, smiling at Reid with what looked to be carelessness. "It would just prove that I'm all he has, if he doesn't talk about anything else. Nothing he says can make me look stupid. It would just further accentuate the fact that he's a piece of shit."

Spencer had agreed with that, happy to see that Grey genuinely had no discontent with him visiting Lawrence. Her only concern was his safety, and he could live with that.

Now, RJ was nodding to Hotch. "Absolutely. So, if that's it..."

"Yeah, that's all," Reid ensures, nodding toward the door they were gathered around, waiting for someone to unlock it.

Rob quickly heads inside, swinging the door open and prompting Spencer and Aaron to enter. Evidently, the door wasn't locked in the first place. As expected of them, the two agents enter, following behind the guard as he approached the second door, sticking the key in the lock.

While he's doing such, Reid steals a glance at the area where Hotch would be staying. It was pretty similar to the space beyond the BAU's interrogation room. There was a table with chairs, along with a water dispenser, coffee maker, and a few odds and ends. Spencer would have asked for a cup of coffee before he went in, had there not been an almost full cup in his hand. He and Aaron had made sure to pick up coffee before they arrived, since they would sure as hell need it.

"Be safe," is all Hotch says, stepping toward the one way mirror and nodding at Reid.

"Thanks," he replies, looking back at the doorknob as Rob pulled the key out of the lock, saying, "It's open."

He thanks him, clearing his throat and taking a deep breath. He slowly opens the door, and his expression becomes one of stone as soon as he makes eye contact with Lawrence. He couldn't help it. If he had to pick a person that he hated most in the world, it would most certainly be the one he was staring at right now.

"Dr. Reid! Just the man I was hoping to see!"

He looked scruffy, almost worse than when he had been dressed like a homeless person outside of Anne's apartment last year. He hadn't shaved recently, although he had still found a way to keep his hair trimmed. He also looked decently rested, which pissed Spencer off for some reason.

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