Pre-dawn light washed over Titans Tower, its warm glow creeping slowly down the massive buildings side.

In her room, Raven smiled to herself. Just a little.

Reaching out with her empathy, four distinct sets of emotions bloomed into being around her, all of them sluggish and unrefined in the depths of sleep.

As was always the case, she was the first to rise in the tower. Changing slowly into her leotard, cloak, belt and boots, Raven left her room. Gliding silently down the halls, passing through walls and floors in a swirl of dark energy, she made her way to the common room, where her teapot made its home.

Setting about her morning ritual of tea drinking, contemplation and early reading, Raven awaited the return of her friends from the iron grasp of unconsciousness.

Robin was awake soon after her tea was done boiling, no matter how long of a day the boy wonder had, he never failed to rise with the sun. Raven felt his emotions sharpen into the focused confidence that was ever present within their team leader. Entering the room and nodding politely towards Raven, he sat down with a recent issue of the Gotham Times and the two settled into a comfortable silence. Like Raven, Robin understood the peace of an early morning, the serenity found in quiet moments and contentment with ones knowledge that they were there before all others, to watch the world start anew with the receding shadows of night and the soft warmth of the returning sun.

He and Raven spent most mornings like this, simply appreciating the others company and revelling in the precious stretch of peace between dawn and the arrival of their friends (Who the both of them regarded as family, in their own ways)

Within her room, Starfire's emotions suddenly burst into life, her happiness and excitement rushed through Raven in a pleasant way. The empath tapped the table softly and Robin nodded, acknowledging that their peace was about to be broken.

Though neither was particularly unhappy to see it go.

“Good morning, Friend Raven and Friend Robin!” Starfire greeted them joyful, soaring above them in a jubilant circle. “Isn't today simply most wondrous indeed!”

“Morning Star. Get a good nights sleep?” Robin returned with an indulgent smile, setting his newspaper down gently.

“Most assuredly Friend Robin! I slept like a hog!” Starfire enthused, her hands clasped happily as she took her place at the table, noticeably closer to Robin than anyone else.

Robin raised an eyebrow at the excitable princess. “Uh… I think you mean “like a log” Starfire.”

The young Tameranian frowned slightly. “But logs do not sleep Friend Robin, so how would one copy their sleeping habits?”

Before the bemused young man could respond, Cyborg's emotions coalesced into a ball of enthusiasm and amusement, his sudden shift into wakefulness was, as always, accompanied by a thundering “BOO YAH!” saving Robin from a confusing lesson in metaphors.
Cyborg marched into the common room and let out a warm “Mornin' y'all!” before setting about the kitchen with a vengeance. Today was grocery day and Cyborg was determined to use up all of the ingredients left from the previous week.

“I'm making eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles and fruit salad, so you'll all need to put on some game faces, cause this mornin' is going to be intense.” He proclaimed, attending to the necessary preparations with gusto.

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