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Something was different.

As Beast Boy turned in place, blankets gathering around him, he pondered what it could be. The world seemed softer, a little less cramped too. For some reason his room smelled awesome right now.

Except he didn't remember going back to his room.

In fact, he didn't remember having dark blue sheets either.

"Oh god." He whispered, eyes going wide as he sat bolt upright in Ravens room, in Raven's BED.

The empath herself was floating at the base of the bed, cross legged and calm, her eyes closed.

"This is where I die, goodbye cruel world." Garfield muttered to himself, desperately trying to figure out when he had found his way into the penultimate crime on record in Titans Tower. Being in Raven's room was one thing, but this, this was sacrilege.

"Relax, Garfield. I put you there." The sorceress sighed as her eyes came slowly open and the ghost of a smile touched her lips. "You can stop panicking."

"You put me in your bed?" The changeling inquired, a frown forming over his bemused eyes. "Why?"

"Because you were half dead from staying up all night and I was half asleep when I woke up, so moving you into the bed seemed reasonable to Before Her Morning Tea Raven."

"And what about After Her Morning Tea Raven? Why didn't you move me into my bed after waking all the way up?" Beast Boy asked as he slipped from beneath the sheets and shifted into a cat to stretch properly.

"Because I didn't want to wake you up. It seemed rude to me after you worked so hard to help me sleep." Raven drifted to the ground, her legs unfolding and her cloak falling around her. "Though I must admit it was also in part because I was curious to hear how many languages you cycled through before getting back to English."

The green teen groaned as he shifted back into his human form, rubbing his face with his hands to hide the blush creeping over his cheeks. "I was sleep-talking? What did I say?"

"In English? Not a lot… How many languages do you know by the way?" Raven tilted her head, a rare gleam of curiosity coloring their amethyst depths.

Beast Boy rubbed the back of his head thoughtfully, sitting back down on the bed once he realized they were going to talk at length. "I've never really counted… Eleven, I suppose? Not counting English and different dialects within those languages? Yeah, eleven sounds right." He nodded vaguely before smiling at her. "I picked up a lot of them talking with kids in the villages and towns near where my parents would be researching. It's hard playing make believe in two languages you know? Mostly they're creole and pidgin versions of full languages, but I can get my point across well enough."

"I never really considered whether you spoke anything other than English, I knew you had moved around a lot when you were younger but-"

"But you never thought I'd have strayed far from my folks, yeah." Beast Boy smiled sadly. "Look, Rae, that night with the documentary, it caught me by surprise. Sometimes I just can't help but get a little emotional about them, but for the most part I'm fine."

"Okay Garfield." Raven relented, seeing no need to bring up the uncomfortable fact that she knew he was lying. "Where did you learn that chant?"

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