Raven paced in her room, trying to come up with a rational reason for her behavior and coming up short.

Sighing, she picked up her mirror and spoke.

"Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos."

On a cliff in Nevermore, her emotions convened.

"RAVEN!" Squealed Happy, lunging for the sorceress and enveloping her in a crushing hug. "You finally did it! Oh my gosh, you actually kissed him!"

"I know, I was there." Raven remarked drily, looking over the pink clone to the emotions gathered beyond her. "What do the rest of you say? Was it a mistake?"

Timid winced. "What are the others going to think? Cyborg will make fun of us, Robin might not trust that we can do our job properly with Garfield around, he might not let us patrol with him any more. And Starfire..." The gray Raven shuddered. "Starfire won't leave us alone if she knew, she would want to find out everything we feel. We aren't ready for this, with how our powers work we could hurt someone, we might even hurt Garfield."

Knowledge adjusted her glasses as she nodded. "Timid is right, there's a chance our powers will act erratically if we pursue Beast Boy further. He might be fascinating and kind, but should we risk our control for that?"

Passion almost leaped at the yellow hooded emotion. "OF COURSE IT'S WORTH IT!" She turned to Raven. "Gar isn't just kind, he's sweet and brave and absolutely GOOD. He won't make us worse, this is what we need! Being without him would tear us apart and not being able to express ourselves wouldn't just hurt us, it'd kill us Raven."

Knowledge tilted her head. "That… Isn't completely wrong."

Rage snorted, a sneer settling on her lips. "He's lazy, weak willed and patronizing, you saw how he was with Gizmo, and Adonis before him, the shifter wouldn't let us fight out own fights." Her sneer turned savage, the four red eyes of Trigon burning under the shadow of her scarlet hood as she turned to Timid, who shied away. "BUT ROBIN WILL NOT TAKE HIM AWAY."

Raven raised her right brow at that, but let it pass, noting Rage's conflicted thoughts on the matter. She turned to the brown cloaked Raven. "Sloth? Do you have any thoughts."

Sloth yawned, rubbed the sleep from her eyes and shrugged. "He would make life easier." She said with an odd finality, turning to Rude.

Smiling lewdly, Rude wiggled her eyebrows and made a suggestive gesture with her hands. "Why get rid of the cow if we haven't milked it yet?" The others groaned and shook their heads disapprovingly. "What? We were all thinking it! The snot has really grown into those tights of his, and he's taller than us now, which is hot." She winked at Raven, making more gestures that had her violet eyes rolling, even though the corner of her lips tugged upwards.

Brave threw her hands in the air. "Why are we even talking about this! Garfield is amazing! He's the perfect guy for us and all the baggage we come with. He's strong, funny, handsome, brave. He's even a different color, just like us! The guy is a catch and we can't let things that may or may not happen hold us back from what could be the best thing that's ever happened to us!"

Lastly, Raven looked back to Happy, who had stepped away from her and remained uncharacteristically silent, her pink cloak fluttered a little in the ever present wind that blew through Nevermore. "I know you like him Happy, but why?"

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