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It was the morning before the Gala and Raven found her wardrobe somewhat lacking when it came to "Gala" worthy attire.

Her civilian clothes, for the most part, were composed of jeans, some leggings, combat boots and a slew of hoodies and black tops. The few dresses in her possession were gifts from Starfire and far too short in the sorceress's opinion. Sighing, Raven concluded that there was only one thing for it.

She needed to go shopping.

Slipping into aforementioned jeans, boots and hoodie, Raven sunk into her floor and moved through the tower to the basement, where the gym was located. There she found the alien princess, bench pressing what must have been the weight of a small building.

"Kori." She said, drawing the curiosity of her team-mate and friend. Raven rarely called any of them by their real names. "I need to find a dress. A new one. Preferably from somewhere discreet."

Starfire gasped and threw the weights down (causing a mild tremor) so that she could sit up and look into the smaller girl's eyes. "Truly!?"

"Would I lie about this?" Raven asked, allowing herself a small, but fond smile for the only other female Titan. "It'll be Girltime."

Starfire laughed happily and clapped, rushing to undress from her gym clothes and shower. Raven looked away from her with a blush, as Starfire had never fully understood the idea of modesty.

The other Titans had learned long ago that Tamaran had very different customs when it came to clothing and the lack thereof, the closest word to "Naked" on Starfire's homeworld was "Unarmored" and the princess thought nothing of being unadorned around friends, though she had learned it made them uncomfortable and tried to humour their ideas of privacy when she could. The other Titans, for their part, had simply learned to accept that every so often she would forget that changing clothes was something humans did out of sight.

It was fortuitous, perhaps, that she shared a floor, and bathroom, with Robin.

Raven handed her a towel when she exited the gym shower and waited outside her room as the alien girl dressed for their shopping trip. Listening as Starfire babbled excitedly through the door about having "The Girltime" with Raven, something Kori had come to regard as a precious gift from the stoic spellcaster. As she listened, the empath could not help but bask in the overwhelming delight emanating from Starfire and feel a little guilty about how infrequently she indulged her one and only girl friend in the simple pleasure of time spent together.

Perhaps, as she was doing with Beast Boy, she could learn to adjust to the similar, yet vastly different, emotional spikes of "Girltime".

Starfire came bursting out of her room in a blackish blue sundress, floppy grey hat and mid-calf black boots, eliciting a surprised smile from Raven, for whom the colour scheme had not gone unappreciated by.

"How will we get to the city Friend Raven?" Kori asked, taking Raven's offered hand without hesitation, sinking through a swirl of Raven's energy. Starfire had never disliked teleporting, unlike her other, far more human, team mates. Raven took her communicator out and tapped a quick message to the boys, telling them not to panic when the two were missed.

"We'll take the Racer."

The Titans were well known for the vehicles they utilised, none more so than Cyborg's T-Car and Robin's motorbike, yet even Beast Boy's moped was a familiar sight. This meant that when they needed (or wanted) to go unremarked upon, a more clandestine mode of transport was required.

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