1♡ Death? So soon?

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"DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT!!!" How could I be so stupid?! I knew I should of stayed away from that building why in the hell did I go back? Now the cops are after me and I dont exactly have the best options right now... Thoughts overwhelmed me, I don't even remember studying my surroundings before jumping into the building across the street. But I did, I jumped through the window shattering it, for a brief moment feeling freedom.. then crash. Right into another window. Shards jammed hard into my hands giving me no mercy.

They were never clean anyway... I always said to myself. I heard them bust into the doors downstairs so I bolted it through the next window. I did this for several houses until I knew I could loose them. I had to make it to the woods where my headquarters were, and I had to make it where they could not under any circumstances trace their way back. And of course like I always do I did.

The city was such a bumbed out place, the woods was peaceful and a lot less... loud. I always traveled through the trees on my way "home", nobody would bother to look there, instead they would fallow the ground which was okay, except. Not for them. I had traps set up all over the place set to go off the second you got on the wrong track. Animals sometimes set them off but, always a win win. It was fun resetting them, and making new ones. I had learned all this from when I was trapped in a true living hell, a long time ago. The old place is long gone now, from what I heard it burned down.

Not that I cared at all, sure I had feelings for people, for things, but that place wasn't on the list of them. At least that was what I told myself.

It was a sanctuary for killers, who all happened to just love the games and the rules. Well, games get boring after a while, rules they get... chaining. So I left, I had a room too and from what I remember a young sir name Daniel Dickens took it. I knew everyone there, they WANTED to play by the rules which meant they were to kill me. Thankfully I traded that room with Danny, so I got to escape all floors of that unholy place unscathed. Lucky me. That's how I got out anyway, though getting in was a bit of a question for me. I dream of many ways, though remembering just isn't there. Oh well. Doesn't matter now, I'm here, alive and making it work. Why do I need that crap now?

I hopped down and moved the rock from my door in the ground, I slid down the slide as it shut back behind me. I made the slide there so that way I would have a little bit to do, not to mention anyone who stumbles here, will have one hell of a ride. I made it to where the slide is super curved, I would be able to have my dog on them in seconds by the time they hit the floor. Anyway, once I landed on my nice cushioned palette I had laid out. I cleaned the glass from my hands and bandaged them carefully. Then I walked to the kitchen and nibbled on some food, I called for my dog Epsy to enjoy it with him but he didn't at all respond.

I had earlier recalled letting him out before I left. So I instinctively opened the back hatch, he always waits there and I waited for him for moments. The sun was setting and that meant it was getting dark, I couldn't just leave him out not when he was my only friend left.. A sigh left my lips as I turned to the clock. "Stupid dog.. you have no idea how much I love you.." I smiled under my breath.

I grabbed my bag of supplies and climbed up the stairs so that way I could easily fix things from there. I crawled out of the opening and saw that it was later than I had originally thought. I couldn't call for Epsy in the night or in that case at all or it might draw any close attention. I couldn't have that. And I couldn't travel at night without my night vision goggles. So of course I slipped them on and made my way around finding any sign that Epsy might of been here at some point.

I had walked for about two hours before seeing the first sign that Epsy was near. There was a long blood trail, I examined it more closely to find it was indeed his, clots of hair had fallen with it. Had Epsy gotten into a wolf fight..? Or did someone get hungry? Did he die..? I would kill whoever hurt him, I will torture them.. if.. if I lost him..

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