Dating Stiles Stilinski would include

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Meeting him randomly on your first day of high school

  You'd just finished putting your books in your locker. Slinging your bag over your shoulder you looked down at the paper in your hands that showed your class list. With your eyes cast down you didn't notice the boy running full speed down the hallway, and you ended up walking straight into his path. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," He says, gently grabbing your shoulders to steady you. "It's alright," You laugh. "I'm Stiles," He introduces himself, suddenly reaching out and pulling the hood of someone's jacket. "This is my friend Scott." "I'm Y/N."

From that day on you became best friends with Scott and Stiles.

 "Y/N, Scott, Stiles, don't make me separate the three of you," Your teacher warms. The three of you muffle your laughs, waiting for your teacher to turn back to the board before Stiles resumes the video on his phone, showing you and Scott the results of his latest prank. "Good idea using the glue, Y/N." Stiles nudges you, making you smile. "And Scott, thank you for the extra materials, they worked beautifully," Stiles laughs, putting his phone away. "You guys are still coming over for later for movies, right?" Scott asks. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Scotty."

Slowly, people start to notice you and Stiles becoming closer than you had been before

-   It started with small touches. Like the hugs you gave Stiles lasted ever-so-slightly longer than your hugs with Scott. Or the way Stiles would touch you in class - poking your back and playing with your hair to get you to turn around and look at him. It progressed over time, you and Stiles would end up cuddled together on movie nights, your head leaned against his shoulder and his arm wrapped around you as you eventually fell asleep.

Both you and Stiles denying that you have feelings for each other

 "Y/N, I see the way you look at him," Scott sighs as you shut your locker, the two of you starting to walk to class. "You mean the way I look at him as just a friend?" "Y/N, come on. We both know you like him, and I know he likes you even if he doesn't admit it." "He doesn't like me, Scott. not that I would care anyways, I've told you I don't like him." "Y/N he talks about you all the time. Why do neither of you see that you like each other?" "Because we don't."

Everything changed for you two one night

-   It was the week after Scott had been bitten. You'd gone out to the woods to clear your head a bit and ended up staying out later than you expected. It had gotten dark, and you were walking home when you noticed the extra car parked in your driveway: Stiles's jeep. He was sitting on your porch, head in his hands. "Stiles!" You called, picking up you pace as you saw Stiles's head snap up and he sprang up, starting to run over to you. "Y/N, oh thank god," He murmured, bringing you into a tight hug. "Stiles? What's going on?" "Your parents said you had gone to the woods, what were you thinking? You could have been hurt, and I care about you too much to let you get hurt I don't know what I'd do with myself if--" "Stiles. Stop rambling," You interrupt him, pulling back from his embrace and looking at him for a moment before deciding to lean forward and gingerly press your lips to his. He kisses you back immediately, the both of you smiling through the kiss.

Stiles was very awkward at first

-   He never know what to do with his hands. Should he hold yours, or keep it rested around your shoulders or waist? What should he do when you two were kissing? When was it okay to kiss you? How often did you want to go out on dates? What did you feel about PDA? What should the two of you do around Scott? Soon enough, though, the two of you fell into a comfortable rhythm. You knew each other as well as you knew yourselves, which made your relationship one of the easiest things in either of your lives.

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