salt, sweat, sugar on the asphault

88 5 6

the rules


be fucking nice. don't be a dick, guys. i will delete your comments.


no overpowered characters or too weak characters. simple enough. i reserve the right to refuse to accept you.


first password is to tag two people who you think might be interested in this.


try to be diverse with the personalities and backstories of your characters.


second password is your favorite word. whatever it is, whether it sounds appealing or you adore the meaning.


be realistic. if my characters have powers, you can too, but mind control and mind reading is and always will be off limits.


spice it up. spice it up. spice it up. drama, make drama. i love drama.


smut must be taken to pm or skipped entirely.


cuss as much as you want. and have fun.


direct self harm is a no go. you can mention it in your backstory and suicidal background are okay, but do not describe self harm in its most common form. your character wants to burn itself— go ahead. your character wants to drink themselves to death— go ahead. I'm all for gore and torture and murder.


my character is my character. you may not control them and if you want to kill my characters— you have to ask. respectfully, my character might kill your character, just a heads up. most of them are damaged.


be detailed when you're writing your replies. no less than six lines. it's a semi-literate roleplay. if you give me a big reply— <3


please be at least semi detailed in your form. fill out everything that isn't optional.

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