clean your conscious

65 7 13

TW;  gore, time period typical mentions of racism and slavery, torture, murder, time period typical sexism,  time period typical homophobia, death, mentions of child abuse, mentions of domestic violence

name |

jeremy colin carver

alias |

the wanderer

nickname/s |


age |

twenty six

gender |


sexuality |

bisexual (seriously, boys, come get him)

appearance |

appearance |

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personality |

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personality |

jeremy is one of the most truly mad people out there. he's a coil curling tighter and tighter, winding until it has to explode and when it has to explode, he explodes. sadistic tendencies, his murders are art in his eyes, the pain of others is satisfying. he's extremely self centered and narcissistic. he thinks very highly or his murders. the world revolves around him and if you're around him, you best bet he'll make sure you revolve around him, manipulating everyone with a big heart into pitying him and being interesting enough to catch the eye of those who don't. his flare for theatrics makes it impossible for him to resist digging up old dirt on people and twisting their arms with it. anyone with a good gut instinct and a normal job will try to steer clear of him, but with a thick, syrupy southern accent and manners to match, he's a charmer to the less fortunate widowed mothers and crying children. he has a knack for that. people pity the loneliness he appears to be troubled by. he hasn't felt bad for the things he does for as long as he's been doing them, but love tends to change people.

quirks |

he fiddles with his knife when he's feeling threatened and tilts his head when he starts to do the threatening.

likes |

he enjoys having attention and his ego being stroked. his knives are his true love. he has an affinity for theatrics as well. do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life— and he does love the "art" he leaves behind when he kills.

dislikes |

he cannot stand people touching his knives or being touched without his permission. he will look for an excuse to kill you if you touch him or his knives without his permission. small spaces make him panic. losing control leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

strengths |

he's handy with a knife and has a knack for handling the human anatomy. he's charming as well, the kind of guy babies can't help but smile at and mothers can't help but swoon over. fantastic at sleight of hand.

flaws |

his anger is something volatile and ferocious, once he snaps danger is imminent. he can't help but press at others' buttons, it often gets him into considerable trouble. being in small spaces makes him panic.

backstory |

jeremy was born on a farm deep in the heart of georgia. his father was a wealthy, wicked man, money from the plantation he ran, and his mother was the daughter of a poor baker, sold off for a good life. jeremy's father was reputable in town for his less than humane treatment of his slaves and any woman he came across. if you dared to speak against it, bad things tended to befall you. even though jeremy grew up in a house filled with bigoted men, he strayed from the views of his brothers, uncles, and father. his mother was a soft spoken woman, but she had views and she managed to save jeremy from the typical views of men during the time period. jeremy freed a few of the slaves at one point. he was eight and he snuck out, oh so careful. his father was out with his brothers and jeremy's brothers were all asleep. he successfully freed five out of twenty of them. his father had been livid the next morning but no one had known that jeremy was the culprit. his father started to hit his mother. jeremy's mother made him swear to never interfere. it was a whole month before jeremy saw his next opportunity. he snuck out unaware of the trap that had been set. his brothers were supposed to be asleep. he'd been sure they were, but when he crept up to the back of the slave house, a shotgun fired. it missed jeremy by a foot. jeremy ran, skipping through the first barbed wire fence without a problem. the second one was what caught him. the shotgun blasted right in front of him and he tripped, arms out in front of him to catch himself. the barbwire tore open his arm from his wrist to three inches above  his elbow. his brothers dragged him inside and threw him into a closet. when his father got back, they tried to beat the shit out of him. his mother interfered. from then on, jeremy's father kept him on a tight leash. every one in town knew what was going on. they couldn't remain oblivious when jeremy came to school absolutely littered with bruises, just like his mother. no one said or did anything. jeremy broke his promise to his mother when he was eleven. he took one of the iron cattle prods and while his father raised his hand to his mother, jeremy swung it, hitting his father across his back. the thunderous cry from his father couldn't mask the way his mother yelled his name, full of desperation, telling him to run. jeremy, foolishly thinking he could stand up against his father, did not. he sent a smile to his mother, trying to reassure, but his father was already up, calling him various names, none of them jeremy. the hand around jeremy's throat was steel. even the blows rained down on him weren't enough to keep him awake. jeremy did finally run. the day his mother died. he was fifteen and people just assumed his father finally killed him. he came back when he was sixteen and his father tried to shoot him upon arrival. jeremy killed his family, the second kill of the wanderer.

other |

no one knows exactly who the wanderer is, but he's rumored to have killed up to twenty people within a span of ten years. people suspect him to be in his late thirties.

jeremy has a deep southern drawl when he speaks, a georgia accent. it stands out.

scenario one |

your a detective in a small town, so small that the population can't be more than fifty. the town scarcely receives any visitors, everyone knows everyone and gossip is common among the ladies in town. jeremy's a visitor in town, he's just passing through and he's spent an awful lot of time winning card games with money staked on them for the last few days. you've seen him on various trips to the saloon, always with a charming grin. you're doing desk work when someone comes running in to the station, yelling about the visitor and knives and guns.

scenario two |

you live in a small town deep in the heart of georgia. there's gossip among the ladies that there's a newcomer in town. finally, you see him. ya'll bump into each other at the local market and you almost don't recognize him, but he grins and when he speaks, the realization of who it is hits you. it's your ex from when you were just fourteen. jeremy carver, who your family had warned you to keep away from, because he'd set his daddy's slaves free.

scenario three |

make it up!

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