clear your thoughts

54 4 3

TW; possible mentions of substance abuse, possible death, possible gore, blood, gangs

name |

michael ethan grimes

nickname/s |

mike, mikey, grimes

age |

twenty one

gender |


sexuality |


appearance |

appearance |

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personality |

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personality |

michael is a ball of emotions, passionate to a fault. he's committed and once he's decided upon something it's hell to change his mind. he is a man of the heart, all emotions and impulse. both a lover and a fighter. he can't ever get enough of the fast lane. he's restless, a ball of restless emotional energy. people are everything to him. he's the definition of extrovert. the more people around him, the happier he is. this being said, he's not bad at talking with people even if he doesn't always succeed when trying to communicate his emotions verbally. it doesn't matter, because for the most part, everything he does is direct and heavily influenced by how he feels. selflessness comes easy to him. people just— he's got a big heart and it just— he can't let them suffer. he lives in the moment and is very impulsive.

quirks |

when he's angry, his hair becomes so fucking messy because he runs his hands through it almost constantly. he stares at people that interest him.

likes |

fighting, fire, and explosions make him happy. he has a habit of stealing things too. chocolate chip cookies, red bull, monster, pizza, sour candy, rum, whiskey, and coca cola are basically the extent of what he'll consume. and he loves physical affection. fast cars are cool too.

dislikes |

he doesn't like pools, or deep water— he can't swim. health foods, what's that? he will die before he eats healthy. people who can't have fun, he honestly kinda pities them. the world is so boring when you can't make your own fun. and he hates hospitals. he doesn't like cops much either.

strengths |

he's a quick thinker and a fantastic hand to hand fighter. he knows how to make molotovs. he's also very charismatic and warm to most. for some reason he has a super good metabolism. he's great at handling emotions and emotional things. oh— and hotwiring a car isn't a problem for him.

flaws |

he's incredibly selfless when it comes to those in need, a big heart, to a fault. he also can't swim. he literally won't go near any water deeper than five feet. he's a tiny bit naive. he's way too stubborn for his own good. he has morals. he really can't cook, though he tries. and maybe he's got a cigarette addiction. he also sucks at picking locks.

backstory |

michael was born a month early to james grimes and ramona ramirez in the back of a taxi cab on the way to the hospital. five years later, michael's sister was born two days early in their living room. michael's parents were happy together, so in love that no matter how many jobs they had to work to keep the family of four afloat in their tiny apartment— their relationship never suffered from it. when michael was eleven his father got arrested for aggravated assault of an officer. he'd stepped in between an officer and a teenager they were harassing. within two months, with james in jail, they were evicted. they got a new place in a rougher area of the city. michael changed school districts and got suspended, came home with a black eye. someone had made fun of michael's clothes and smeared ketchup on his shirt. michael frequently got into fights after that— no one liked that michael's shoes were nice and well kept, more expensive than any pair of shoes they'd ever owned. his father was released when he was twelve, but james had lost his jobs when he'd gone to jail. no one wanted to hire him with that on his record. eventually he did get a job with a construction company. michael was thirteen at that point. michael got expelled a month later. he had to walk to his new school, which wasn't any nicer than his last. a week after he was expelled his father had a work accident— he was put in the hospital. the time for rent came way too soon and his mom begged the landlord. the landlord said they had two weeks. michael sold all his hoodies and the better pair out of the two pairs of shoes he owned. he snuck the money to the landlord and when michael's mother came bearing apologies about how she didn't have enough, the landlord let it slide because michael's money just barely got them by. but it wasn't enough to last so michael did something stupid. he got involved with some gang business, started as an errand boy  for them. it worked. michael was officially supporting his family and he didn't care where the money came from. when his father came home from the hospital a month later, questions were asked. michael merely said he was mowing lawns and dog walking. michael's money went a long way for them, especially when he was upped to being a dealer. michael spent a fare share of the rest of his time living with his parents in and out of the police station. they could never get anything to stick though. michael didn't move out until he was nineteen— his parents were bringing in stable income by then. they even moved to a slightly better area. michael didn't move no matter how many times his parents begged him to.

other |

michael runs errands for gang lords and deals. he refuses to deal to kids. he also works two part time jobs— one as a mechanic and he babysits his neighbor's kid as well as his landlord's kid.

he's developed a reputation among the cops— as much as he doesn't like them, they manage to dislike him even more.

scenario one |

you're new on the force or just new in the precinct and someone brings in michael. it seems everyone who's worked in the station for more than two weeks knows who he is. he gets quite a few looks and gives quite a few of his own. unfortunately— you're on lock up duty. he's shoved into a holding cell— not as crowded as it usually is— rather roughly. it's going to be a long night for both of you.

scenario two |

you're at a local bar when you run into michael, who very much smells of smoke when he sits down next to you— not the nice kind, the kind that comes with a burned down building. he's on high alert. not long after he arrives two very intimidating people, a man and a woman, enter with guns raised. michael literally runs into you while trying to get out of their sight.

scenario three |

you're in trouble. that much is obvious with the way these people are cornering you in the alleyway. michael can't resist helping you, despite babysitting two kids. he runs into the pet store and lets the kids look around while he goes to help you. i tried to make this as vague as possible to give you more space for your character.

scenario four |

make it up!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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