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December 6, 2019
1:08 pm

Mateo's pencil breaks as he was about to finish off his last sentence. He places the pencil on the side, he turns himself around and unzips his bag. He pulls out his blue pencil case, taking out a sharpener and begins to sharpen the tip of his pencil.

Ms. Johnson erases the old notes from the board and starts to write new ones. He puts the sharpener on the corner of the desk and starts to write in the neatest way possible. Someone next to him taps his shoulder, he looks over at who tapped him.

"Did you get the last part?" The girl asks, he nods his head and lets the girl see the last few bulleted notes. "Thank you." Mateo can't help but smile at her funny accent.

"Okay class, now we are gonna be working in pairs." Ms. Johnson announces, she walks around with a stack of papers in her hand and places two down on each table. Mateo grabs his paper and the girl grabs hers. He writes his name on the straight line, Partners name, Mateo reads in his head.

"What's your name?" Mateo asks, the point of his pencil touching the straight line. "Sadie, S-A-D-I-E." She spells out her name for him. After telling her his name, they get working on the partner work.

2:30 pm

Mateo waits patiently on the gym floor, he watches as parents pick up some of his classmates. Five minutes pass and Ma finally shows up. She walks up to him, taking his backpack from him. "I missed you Ma." Mateo says, hugging her waist. "I missed you too baby. No not you, I'm talking to my son." Ma speaks into her phone, she grabs his hand and they walk out of the gym.

The whole way to the studio Ma had been speaking on the phone. Finally arriving at the studio, Mateo greets Ma's friends and goes to his usual spot in the corner. Instead of Ma sitting in her spot usual spot on her chair, she makes her way into the booth.

"Wanna help me record your mommy's singing Teo?" Victoria, Ma's best friend, asks. He nods his head and puts his toys down by his bag. Victoria helps Mateo up and sits him on her lap. "These buttons right here is to lower and raise the volume on her mic." Victoria informs Mateo, she slides the button up and then down in demonstration.

"Am I doing it right?" Mateo asks, pushing the button and stopping it right in the middle. Victoria nods and gives him a high five.

6:50 pm

Ma and Mateo finally arrive at the studio apartment. It's already dark out, even though it's only six. Once Ma opens the door the dogs rush towards them. Mateo almost falls over, before he does he crouched down to pet the dogs which leads to his face getting licked. "Ewww!" He says wiping his face after Lafayette licks his mouth.

He picks himself up and goes up the stairs so that he can change out of his clothes. He puts on his pj's from yesterday and goes back downstairs. Ma is already on the couch watching television. He goes into the kitchen and grabs a bag of Doritos, he gets himself cuddled in Ma's arms.

December 7, 2019
8:10 am

"Oof fuck!" Ma groans which causes Mateo to wake up. He sits up, only to realize that he and Ma are still laying on the couch. "You okay Ma?" Mateo asks, he turns to her and sees that she's got her hand over her mouth.

"Yeah baby, your big head just banged into my mouth is all." Ma says, Mateo can't help but frown because he feels bad. "Aw no it's okay, you were fixing yourself don't worry." She moves her hand, his frown deepens when he sees the blood dripping from her mouth.

"I'm sorry Ma I didn't mean to hurt you." Mateo mumbles and touches her face. She puts her hand on his and brushes her thumb across the back of his hand. "It's alright my love, now come on let's get you packed for today."

Mateo and Ma go up to his room to get him all packed for his weekend at Pa's. Pa said that he has something exciting planned for Mateo, the thing is Mateo doesn't really like surprises. Ma starts off by taking out all of his dirty clothes from the last stay and puts them in the wooden hamper. Mateo picks out a few pairs of underwear and pj's, along with his fluffy towel.

"Do you want your favorite turtle neck for this week?" Ma asks, holding up his beige turtle neck with the red neck. "Mhm, it keeps me real warm." Mateo says, she folds up the turtle neck and places it in the suitcase he usually takes.

"Good you're gonna need it for church on Sunday." Ma says and continues to pack more shirts. "We never go, why now?" Mateo questions, while combining pairs of socks together.

"I don't know why he suddenly wants to go baby, might as well put nice dress clothes for church just incase he doesn't change his mind." She grabs the pile that he created and places it inside the suitcase neatly. "Did you brush those pearly whites love bug? We gotta pack your necessities." Ma reminds him, he stands and goes to do just that.

6:50 pm

Amanda helps Mateo take off his jacket, he walks off into the living room. He picks up the toys that had fallen out of the toy chest. Ma is the one who gets upset when his toys are all around the house.

"Mateo, we're leaving in thirty minutes!" Pa says from the living room, him and Ma have been talking about a surprise for a couple days now. Mateo goes up the stairs and into his room. Mateo throws his backpack in the corner by the closet, he walks over to the desk and decides to play for a while until they are ready to go.

7:47 pm

"Okay we're here!" Pa says, Mateo looks outside the car window. They are parked in front of a big house, Mateo remembers the house but he hasn't been here in a while. "Today is your grandma's birthday. All your cousins came from Florida Mateo!" Pa says, Mateo gives him a small smile. Mateo is very shy even when it comes to family.

"Are you excited?" Amanda asks, a big smile on her face. Shrugging, he unbuckles his seatbelt and hops out of the car. Mateo already feels nervous and he isn't even in the house yet.


My favorite lil shy boi uwu. I hope y'all enjoyed this lowkey fillet chapter. I promise the next one will be better. Love y'all.


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