6. Death is a B****

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Soonyoung hummed a song as he walked down the crowed hall. His shoes made a clicking noise as they walked down the hall. He fixed his uniform before walking into the classroom. Today was Wednesday. Uniform day.

He was never sure why he chose JROTC, exactly. His dad always wanted him to be in the military ever since they moved from Korea (did I mention they live in America? Seems more fitting for the plot), so he naturally did the thing that would make his father happy. It wasn't bad, even fun at some times, but it still wasnt what he wanted to do with his life.

"Mr. Kwon Cadet Private!" Minghao yelled.

"Shut the fuck up, please," Soonyoung rolled his eyes. He was not in his normal playful mood. He took his seat, wanting to just skip the rest of school. Too bad it was Wednesday.

"What's up fuckers!" Chan walked in.

"Fuck. My. Life," Soonyoung responded.

"Hey have you seen Mingyu around anywhere? I haven't seen him all day," Minghao asked the older.

"No, now why don't you go fuck yourself?"

"Harsh man," Chan took his seat. "I saw him today, he came to my house and talked to Wonwoo about some dance studio and then Wonwoo slammed the door in his face,"

"Oh wow,"

"Can y'all just please shut up?" Soonyoung began to get frustrated.

"What are you on your period or something?" Minghao laughed. Soonyoung balled his fist ready to swing at the younger, but stopped when he heard a scream from outside of the classroom that was followed by something slamming against a locker. The three jumped up to see what that noise was. When they stepped outside the classroom, Mingyu could be seen slamming his hands into a smaller boys face.

"Mingyu stop!" Soonyoung yelled. He ran to pull the taller away while Minghao pulled the other boy from underneath.

"Mingyu what the fuck is wrong with you!" Soonyoung stated rather than asked. As the other two disappeared to escort the smaller boy to the nurse, Mingyu couldn't help but let the tears fall.

"He's dead isn't he?" Mingyu asked through his sobs.

"I- Gyu,"

"He left and he told me he loves me. He never does that,"


"Well, is he ok? You of all people would know! Is he ok Soon, is my fucking brother alive or not?!"

"He's dead ok! They got him right in the head! He didn't even make it to the ambulance. He's dead,"

"Huh, and I really thought you two would be something," Mingyu laughed.


"Don't act dumb Soonyoung. I knew you were more than just friends. I thought you guys would end up getting married, you know?"


"I barely saw him. He was either with you or out living a life of crime,"

"I'm sorry Gyu,"

"Its not your fault. At least you made him happy. Thats one thing you're always good at. Making people happy. Something I could never do,"

"You make me happy Gyu,"

"Then why are you crying?"

"You love him, don't you?" Mingyu asked with a small, but pain filled laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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