Chapter three

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     Darren and I rushed where dad had mom in his arms. Dad sat their cuddling her and crying his eyes out.

I felt something warm dripping down my cheeks very smoothly, but quickly and I notice that it's my own tears.

Mom is dead and their was nothing I could have done to prevent it.

She laid their life less in dads arms. I wanted to get a grip of what was going on but I had no time.

More and more of the same people similar to the man that killed my mom started coming at us. I quickly grab dad's arm and help him run in the house. We left mom with the zombie like creatures. He was crying his eyes out and it was same for Darren and I . We barley got to the house on time, but we made it.

''Get everything you can and barricade the doors!'' Dad says as he wipes the tears off of his face. Out of all the years I've live with my dad, I have never seen him cry like this. This wasn't suppose to happen today! Why now? If I only had listened to him.

''(Y/n)! Do as dad orders!'' Darren yells at me. I just nod at him and help push the dinning table towards the door. We hear growls and gurgling noises coming from outside the door. The zombies where scratching at the door and kicking at it.

''Mom!'' I hear a bloodcurdling scream come from Kaylee. Her face looks bloodshot as she was paralyzed with fear. I look over and see that her mother had a deep gash on her arm. I guess I didn't notice when I was outside.

Kaylee's mom was about to strike her until my dad stepped in with a bat and knocked the air out of her. Kaylee's mom turned into a zombie and we then relized that the zombies had made their way into the house.

''This way you guys!'' dad yelled as he grabbed Darren and my hand. We ran across the house and entered my dad's safe room where it has guns and other weapons. Everyone was too shocked to even cry.

''Mom's and boys! We need you guys to help kill the zombies with me okay!'' dad yells sternly. The mom's and boys didn't hesitate to get up after dad said that.

''I love you guys! Fight to the very end!'' my friends and I said.

I got up and huge Dad and Darren with tears in my eyes. ''Good luck you guys! If you die I will never forgive you okay. Do not fail!'' I say as I give them a kiss on a cheek. We all said our goodbyes and they left us leaving all the girls locked in the room.

The room was filled with silence and nobody spoke a word. Non of my friends dads where here because they all went on a fishing trip. Each one of my friends were scared for their mothers.

''I have to fight along side my mother!'' Ava had said as she got up.

''Ava! No you can't! This isn't an anime this is real life! Please don't leave!'' I shout at her and huge her. She takes my hands and places them into her hands.

''I am doing what I think is right and if I die I will die knowing I am a hero. I must protect my family (Y/n) and you and the others are part of my family.'' she smiles at me and grabs a bat.

''I'll go too!'' Reese said and grabbed the last bat.

''Looks like we ran out of weapons. Love you guys!'' Ava said as we all did a group hug. I was crying and they just wiped my tears away.

''I want to go too!'' I state.

Reese shook her head and said ''Stay with Kaylee okay. There are no more weapons here. You guys stay strong! We'll be back before you can say ice cream!'' Then Ava ans Reese left the room leaving kaylee and me to our thoughts.

''Ice cream.'' I said out loud then softly cry in the darkness of the room.

''She said she would be back before I could say ice cream. She never came back to me. That was the moment I embraced this new torment of this world. Now all I care about is surviving for my friends, and my late mother.''

(Y/n) Walker

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Comment below what you thought! Until next time my survivors.


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