Chapter 1

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raising my head, I stare at the wall, my anger rising with every thud. I inhale, and try to cool my temper but all I want to do is put my foot through it. I would have done, but after the last time i know I would be punished severely. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of my last punishment for throwing the doctor through the examination room door. It wasn't like he didn't deserve it, the doctor here was a creepy, evil man and I was sick and tired of being dissected and poked with needles.

maybe I should probably explain a few things to you before I really get into this. My name Ophelia Jones and I'm seventeen years old. I was born in England and was raised in the a small town called cam where I lived with both parents in a nice little house, it was good, we were happy. Then everything changed. Some sort of power took over me and i could do things nobody could, I had reflexes and skills that I shouldn't of had for a 11 year old little girl. I had noticed my change first, I was scared and worried so I decided I would hide it from everyone. I didn't want them to think I was some sort of freak and send me away.

I had kept it a secret up until a few days after my 14th birthday. A boy in the class above me had followed me home, taunting me and calling me names. He tried to pull my ponytail, but didn't succeed. I got so angry, and turned around and walloped him one right in the nose. There was so much blood and he was knocked out cold. I still remember the looks of horror on my classmates faces.

Anyways, my parents found out what happened and even though I had a happy childhood that didn't mean my family were great. My father is very strict and he was so angry at me, he tried to drag me to my room by my hair but I just stayed frozen to the stop. He couldn't move me and I did the worse thing I could of done. I laughed which only made him angrier, he tried to hit me, but I dodge his hand, he jumped to grab me, my anger flared and it resulted in me pushing him through the front window.

After that I was taken away to some asylum full of crazy people and have been here ever since. I don't know how I ended up here after the incident with my father but I blacked out and woke up in a cold dirty room with a small bed and a toilet. I get let out twice a day, one for dinner time, which isn't even worth it because the food here taste like shit. And two, so that I can be poked and prodded.

But even in the three years that I have been here, they still haven't come up with any solution as to why I am freakish strong and have skin like iron. I heal fast and can probably kick anyone's ass in the building. The amount of times I've had to be restrained is becoming higher and higher. I try to break out of this shit hole every chance I get, which is why they've locked me up on the securest holding cell they have next to some psychopath that constantly smashes his head into a wall.

leaning my head back, i try to block out the sounds of banging, shouting and feet scraping across the floor and take a deep breathe. I need to figure out how to get out of here and fast. I've come up with many plans that have failed and some that were almost worth calling a solid plan. But it's hard when you have about four or five guards watching you 24 hours a day. There not little guys either, they can be brutal and won't think twice about knocking me off my feet. They hate me because I keep beating the shit out of them.

The sound of the alarm jolts me to my feet as I make my my way to the locked mental door, and peak through the small flap. I can't see much but I can hear the sound of thundering foot steps running in the opposite direction. This is my chance, it time to get out of here, I smirk to myself. Raising my left foot kick the damn door of the hinges but something unexpected happens, I stand in shock as the big heavy door clicks itself open.

"What the hell?" I mutter and frown slightly. okay this is some freaky shit, I'm pretty sure this door was locked and no one has opened it since they chucked me in here around 8 hours ago. I lean forward slightly pulling the door closer to me so that I can peak around to see if the hallway is clear. Holy shit it is, they left and didn't even realise my door was locked? What a bunch of idiots. I feel slight excitement bubble up inside of me and try my hardest not lose my focus.

Letting out the breathe I didn't know I was holding. I think over a way of escape, I've manage to memorise the whole buildings lay out over the past three years so it shouldn't be too hard to find the perfect route. I discretely make my way through the hall ways hidden by the shadows.

I notice that the building seems silent compared to how loud it usually is at night, in fact it was as if there were no sign of any type of live, not that I was complaining or anything. Heck if this is my only way of escape, I'm taking it! I make my way through one of the side doors I know eventually leads out into the front of the building, but freeze as I hear foot steps rushing towards me from around the corner. I hold my breath and push my body flat against the wall to hide myself from view until the right moment to attack.

A large man in uniform turns the corner and my fist to connects to his face, he flies back against the wall slumped over and out cold. "Well that was easy" I say, bending down to check his pockets for keys or anything that can help me, I pull out a Stanley knife and a pack of gum. Great just what I needed. No keys just a baby knife and some god damn gum! Ah well it will have to do.

Placing a piece of gum in my mouth, I move quickly as I make my way through the building but slow when the place seems deserted. I've only come across one guard so far, so I see no reason to hide. after spending around 20 minutes searching for a way to escape, I finally feel hopeful when I see the large black framed door with a green exit sign above it. I face palm, Really? An exit sign? could they get anymore stupid, who would put an exit sign above an exit in a prison for crazy people? I shake my head and rush to the door. I hear footsteps behind me so I speed up a bit and pushed through it. I let out a scream as I fall into nothing. Complete darkness. I struggle to breathe, I'm going to fast. This is it... I'm going to die, was my last thought before everything goes black.


A different kinda slayer in a different kinda world. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora