Chapter 2

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"Just leave her Katara! She's probably a spy for the fire nation!"

"Shut up Sokka, we can't just leave her like this. Does she really look like she's from the fire nation? what do you think Aang?"

"Uh... She doesn't look like she's from the fire nation, I mean I've never seen anyone with red hair before, have you?"

The sound of unfamiliar voices causes my eyes to shoot open and I groan bringing my hands to cover my eyes as brightness engulfs me. "Ugh, what the hell happened?" I say sitting up slightly.

"Oh be carful, you have bumped your head pretty hard" I freeze at the sound of female voice, swinging my head around I lock eyes with a young female who is kneeling beside me.

"Wha- what, who are you?" I take a look around my surroundings, my head is fuzzy and I don't recognise anything. We're in some sort of open forest. Along side a pale river, which almost looks fake. "where am I? How did I get here?" I ask defensively, I quickly stand to my feet and take a few steps back.

"Why does she speak so funny?" A male voice said. I then notice that there are two other people standing behind the girl, and my eyes run over them. Oh my god what are they wearing? The girl and the older looking boy who has a hateful scowl on his face are both wearing similar blue clothes that look like they were worn century's ago. They both have brown hair and blue eyes with Eskimo tanned skins. then my eyes land on the small boy who has a bald head and is wearing some sort of monk outfit? I'm not even sure and is that an arrow tattoo on his head? What the heck, the kid looks like he can't be no older that 11.

my breath catches again and fear washes over me when I notice the huge white buffalo standing in the middle of a river with a little bat like creature sat on his head. okay this has got to be a dream. This is getting weirder and weirder.

My eyes wonder back to the young boy, He seems familiar but I cant think of where I would of seen him before. Maybe he escaped the asylum too? The young girl steps forward smiling slightly. "Sokka, you can't say things like that!" The young girl said. She then looks at me. "Were not sure what happened to you but we found you unconscious on the side of the river. I'm Katara and this grumpy guy over here is my brother Sokka. And this is our friend Aang." She says politely.

"Hey! I'm not grumpy!" Sokka says

My body goes rigid still as recognition washes over me. No way is this really happening. I must be dreaming? The little bold guy with an arrow on his head just happens to be called Aang is totally normal and the fact that he's travelling with siblings named Katara and Sokka is all just a coincidence. Yep definitely a dream. I start to laugh.

"Oh god. This is a dream right? I must of seriously hurt my head to have dreamt up a bloody tv show" I can't stop laughing as tears stream down my face. I look over to see the three strangers who are looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Bloody?" Sokka frowns towards me.

"What's a tv show??"Aang asks with a slight frown on his face.

"I mean that this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up any minute now" I say pacing slightly. "Come on! Wake up!" I shout stomping my foot.

"Maybe she has a concussion or something? She seems kinda crazy" Sokka whispers to his sister and I send him a sharp look and he just looks at me blankly.

"Just ignore my brother. He doesn't use his brain sometimes. Right well i should probably tell you that your not dreaming and your actually in the earth kingdom right now. Is that where your from?" Katara says cautiously walking towards me. I shake my head and think over everything that happened. I was escaping from the asylum when I fell into a pit of black void.

Could it be possible to be sent to another world or even into a tv show. I mean after what happened to me, should I really be doubting that this isn't real? Anything could happen. deciding that I might as well go with it, I mean it's better then being stuck in a prison 23 hours a day. Letting out a shaking breathe I come up with a quick Plan in my head.

"No I'm not from the earth kingdom. I'm from somewhere far far away. I don't remember anything or how I even got here" I scratch my head and then rub my hands down over my face letting out a huge sigh. I tense when Katara comes over and lays a hand on my shoulder

"Hey! Don't worry, I'm sure we can help you. how about you come with us?  Maybe travelling will help jog your memory abit and I could definitely use another girl around here" she sends me a kind smile.

"No way! What if she is fire nation?! Does no one else think it's weird that she just turns up out of nowhere, has bright red hair and is wearing weird looking clothes?" I look down at my clothes and cringe, Sokka was right I wasn't wearing the best clothes. I had on a plain black jumper and track suit bottoms with plain black trainers. It's all they gave us at the asylum.

"Come on Sokka, your too paranoid, there could be lots of people with red hair that you just haven't seen before. not everyone is from the fire nation." Aang turns to me sheepishly "I mean your not from the fire nation are you?" He scratches the back off his neck nervously and my lips twitch at how cute he is!

"No I'm not from the fire nation. Like I said I'm really sure how I got here, my memory is all fuzzy. If you don't mind, I'd be grateful to tag along. it would be nice to not be stuck here alone with no where to go." I say softly. I didn't want to be much bother, but I know how dangerous this place is just by watching a few episode of the show. I haven't seen much and it has been years since I've watched it so I'm going to have to sort out my thoughts and try and remember what happens.

"Oh and my name is Ophelia, but my friends call me Lia" I say as an after thought. Ha! Like I had any friends anyway.

"Oh fee la" I hear Sokka says confusion writing all over his face, he goes to say something but is cut off by his sister.

"Great it's settled them! We're on our way to Omashu so that Aang can master earth bending. It's getting late so we're going to set up a place to sleep
For a few days. Appa needs to rest and so do you." And with what Katara turns and heads towards who I'm now realising is appa and momo, with a smiling Aang and a scowling Sokka following behind her silently.

I inwardly curse. what am I going to do? I can't exactly tell them the truth, there going to think I'm crazy and ditch me the first chance they get. I think I will just wait to see how this plays out , it's the only bloody option I have right now! Fuck, how did this happen?!Huffing I head over to where they have set up camp and see that it's empty, I look up to see the three disappear somewhere in between the trees. Probably to have a secret meeting that doesn't involve me. If I really wanted to I could probably hear what they were saying if I concentrated hard enough. Deciding to not be a eavesdropper, I think over what I remember from just little bits of watching the show so that I can be prepared.

Katara said that they are on their way to Omashu so that Aang can master earthbending, which means we're probably in season 2 "earth"
I'm not really sure how times works here or how long it is between episodes, so I'll have to wait until I start recognising scenes before planning. It also means that we're going to run into Azula when we get to Omashu, a wave of uneasiness washes over me at the thought that I might have to fight against her. It's a good thing that I wasn't a normal human, because I don't think I would last a day in this world.


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