Chapter 3

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It's been a few days since I landed in this world and I can honestly say it feels good to not be stuck in my cell next to the psycho head banger. Im still irritated though due to the constantly moaning of Sokka. Honestly the kid never gives up, it's funny to watch Katara sass him all the time. Me and Katara have gotten along fine, although she tends to be a little too mother hen. And Aang is so easy to get on with because he was just so adorable and always seemed to have a smile on his face.

I had been hoping we could get a move on today just so that I could finally get the chance to fly on Appa, I really wasn't too eager about getting too Omashu for obvious reason but I'm just so dumbfounded at how he can even get in the air in the first place. He's a giant buffalo.

I was lying down on the side of the river bank in my sports bra and a pair of Katara's loose quarter length trousers. I was watching in awe as Aang and Katara practised their water bending, its mad and seeing it in real life is so much better. I look over to Sokka, where he is lazed about in the river on some giant leaf boat, his long hair let down over his face.

"You guys going to be done soon? We've got a lot of ground to cover if we wanna make it to Omashu today." He says lounging back. I turn to face him with an arched eyebrow "what, and you are?" I say snidely. I notice his lips turn down slightly and I sigh. He still doesn't trust me, which I kinda get. I mean I wouldn't trust someone who just turned up out of nowhere in the middle of a war.

"Yeah, like your ready to go right now, naked boy?" Katara teases and I snort.

"I can be ready in two minutes. Seriously." He says lifting his hair up from his face to stare at us "whenever". He lets his arm drop lazily back into the water.

I sit up, cross my legs and lean my hands back onto the hard ground. Looking over to Aang I admire how focused he looks in his martial arts stance. He looks over to Katara and smiles

"so, you were showing me the octopus form" he quips.

"Right. Let me see your stance" She heads over to him and evaluates his form, "your arms are too far apart. See, if you move them closer together you can protect your center. You got it?"  She corrects his form and I smirk when he blushes.

"Oh... yeah, thanks." He says flustered. She drops her hold on him and stands opposite him and gets into her bending stance. "Okay then, lets see what you've got" she challenges with a smirk on her face. I watch as her raise some water from the river and then look over to see Aang finish pulling up a large blob of water. With smooth motion he causes the blob to sprout about a dozen, wide tentacles. Katara then begins to rapid fire icicles at him.

I wince slightly but then stare in shock to see that the first one is grabbed and deflected in mid air by one of Aang's water tentacles. After several more are deflected, Katara huffs and raises her hands, freezing and shooting ice projectiles at Aang who dodges The icicles and then uses one of his water tentacles to lash out at Katara. She looks slightly surprised as Aang's water tentacle grabs her leg and yanks tight. "Holy shit" I mutter in surprise, I honestly thought Katara had that one.

She straightens, her hands on her hips and smiles as she addresses him "You make a fine octopus, pupil Aang." I laugh, then look at Aang who is now encased in water bubbles. He waves his arms about clearly having fun imitating an octopus. "Hey Lia, watch this!" He shouts jumping in the air and spinning his body. His arms flair about, the water becoming like air propellers. I smile wildly and then burst out laughing when he falls into the river. I walk over to him and help him up shaking my head.

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