Ⅰ - order 66

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When it happened, I felt the darkness coming.

I could felt it. The swirling of darkness coming my way. I was running - to the darkness. Chaos had descended in the Jedi Temple only merely few moments before. If I was going to die, then I am not going to go down without fighting. I will fight for my honor and pride. I will fight for the future. The Jedi. The Republic. The Republic would never survive without the Jedi. I had fight - even one more person makes a big difference.

I came to the main floor. Through the light was dull, (the only light source was the bright lights of the Coruscant buildings and other lightsabers the other Jedi had) there was clones shooting Jedi to their deaths everywhere. I exhaled - preparing before I sprang forward and got my lightsaber out. Blue light wavered in the darkness. Clones perished upon my lightsaber as I went forward.

That's when I saw him.

I couldn't see his face. It was dull and he had a hood on. He wore a cloak. As he killed the Jedi knights and padawans around him and those who got in his way, I was distracted by how gracefully he slay them. Who...? I thought to myself. Who would be monster enough to do this? I asked myself.

Then he turned sideways and I got a glimpse of his eyes. Red and ring of orange eyes. Behind them, I could see the fire. Pain. Suffering.

Dark Lord of the Sith.

Then I saw his face.

No, it couldn't be.

My best friend.

The innocent slave boy from Tatootine that I had befriended the moment he had arrived at the Jedi Temple.

Anakin Skywalker.

I couldn't see his beautiful blue eyes - so deep that I would stare into it forever and it would still go on. Only raging anger behind the red Sith eyes.

It's not Anakin. It couldn't be. He's my best friend. I saw his blue eyes only yesterday! What had happened?

It was him. Anakin Skywalker.

He stared at me for a moment before he turned towards me and walked slowly to the path only to me.

We were standing face to face.

The face I looked at was a monster.

"By the Empire's command, you shall perish." He spoke. The voice came out from his mouth wasn't Anakin. It was a monster. No feelings. No emotions.

The lightsaber slipped through my fingertips.

I cannot move.

I couldn't.

I looked at the face of a monster, it only remain little of Anakin Skywalker left.

I did not move as he raised his lightsaber.

I did not fight as he stabbed me with lightsaber I had fought with side by side.

I let myself





into the darkness.

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