Ⅳ - fallen angel

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"Is she an angel that fell from heaven?" A boy-man voice, being sarcastic. "She's beautiful." This time, there is no sarcastic. A laugh, a female's laugh. "We should bring her inside before it gets dark." A man voice. I blinked but my vision was still blurry. 

"Look! She's waking up." The boy. "I know, Anakin." The female and man at the same time. I felt arms around me and picked me up. I was in the air. Why does this feel familiar? 

Then nothing. 

I felt a shake on my shoulder and I blinked. Once my vision got clear, a boy with the between blond and brown hair was hovering me, staring at me curiously. 

I looked around. I was in a building. Out of the window, there is speeders hovering around and buildings everywhere. 

I looked at the boy again.

"Are you an angel?" He asked, smirking. I blinked once. Who am I? Where am I?

"Huh?" I muttered. 

"Are you an angel" The boy repeated. he smirked once again. I scoffed. How rude. 

"No, no, I'm not an angel. I'd prefer to be a devil." I spoke bluntly. Who the hell is this boy to think he have the right to ask me that stupid question? 

He recoiled but grinned. "I think I like you." 

I scoffed. "Where am I? How did I get here?" 

"You don't know where are you? How hard did you get your head hit?" 

"Hit?" I frowned. I searched my head for any memory of me getting here. I realized I had no recollection of any memories. Not even one. 

Ryria Motherre. 

My name. That's all I know.

"I-I don't think I remember anything."

"Nothing? Do you remember your name?" A man spoke. I snapped my head up and I saw a man with beard, he used a robe similar to the boy.

"Um, I do remember my name but nothing else. The name is Ryria. Ryria Motherre." 

The man nodded. "You must be hit hard. My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi and this is my padawan, Anakin Skywalker. I'm a Jedi Knight and I may can help you find your family. I'll look up your name if you want." 

Anakin Skywalker. A machine with a mask holding red lightsaber appeared in my mind. I shook my head. What the hell was that? 

"Y-yeah, that would be nice. Thank you." I smiled. "May I ask you where am I?" 

"Jedi Temple in Coruscant." Anakin answered before Obi-Wan could. Obi-Wan glared at Anakin. 

"We're in one of the healing rooms. You got the best view through." Anakin grinned. "We found you after you fell from your speeder. You hit your head which explains the forgetting. Your head is all batch up through." He's too cheerful. 

"I fell?" I frowned. "I remember falling. It was dark..." 

"Yes, well, shall we leave you to rest? We will come back tomorrow to look up on your name and find someone who knows you." Obi-Wan smiled and bowed. Anakin stood up to leave.

"Wait." I called. They turned to me. "What if I don't have someone?" 

"Then you're alone forever." Anakin chuckled as if he's amused at the idea. 

Obi-Wan pretended he did not hear Anakin. "Then you can stay in one of the rooms in the Jedi Temple till you get your memories back. The droid said it's temporary." Obi-Wan said.

"Oh, okay." I bowed my head in thanks. They turned to leave. 

I saw Anakin smiling wide, so wide that his lips touching his cheekbones before they disappeared from corner. 

I scowled. "What a mook-milked boy!" 

Anakin's head shot from the glass wall and shot, "I'm not a boy!"

Then he was gone again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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