Ⅲ - second chance

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I was falling again but I remembered. Who I am. The Force spoke in my mind.

You have a chance. To save Anakin Skywalker from becoming this. 

Darth Vader appeared in my vision. I shuddered. He was a monster. How could Anakin do this? 

Do you accept this? The Force asked.

I could not speak but in my mind I said, "yes, yes anything to save Anakin."

You will not remember this or Anakin's turning. You will not remember anything about your Jedi life.

"How can I save Anakin if I don't remember this?!" 


The Force answered and suddenly the gravity got heavier and I went sprawling in the air. I saw light - blue sky. Deserted planet... 

I crashed and I went into darkness again. 

root of evil , anakin skywalkerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin