Chapter 1: 'She doesnt want pity'

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Chapter 1: She doesnt want pity

Drew on the side ---^>

💥 Drew's POV 💥

"Yes mother, I'll go see you tomorrow, Im staying at my old apartment, I love you too mom." I say, and hang up after saying my goodbye's.

I check my watch, 9:43 p.m. S hit.

The road is mostly empty, some cars passing by, there engines and lights britghting my eyes. I crack my neck as I feel more relaxed, Im back home, four hours in an airplane surprisingly sucks.

I let out a deep breath, but I feel it abruptly stop when I spot a small figure on the other side of the road, its a girl, she has a red dress on, her hair is down, and she's slowly climbing up the railing, that separates the road and the hill.

Jesus Christ, she's going to kill herself.

I quickly remove my seat belt and run towards her.

"Ey! What are you doing?!" I yell

She turns around quickly, even though I cant see her face since her long hair is covering it, I could somewhat see the panic and fear in her.

It's like I knew what she was going to do, so when she lets go of the railing, I jump and soon she's in my arms.

This is a miracle. A freaking miracle.

I hug her tightly, as if she were to fall if I let her go. Its quite. All you could hear were my loud heavy breaths.

And then her crying.

She's crying, sobbing.

"Shh, its okay, you're okay-"

"No!" She suddenly yells, and starts to push me away, but I don't let go.

"Why- what did you do?!" She screams, still trying to push me away.

"I wasn't going to let you kill yourself!" I hiss

"You should've, I don't deserve to live" She says, her voice slightly calmer, a trace of an English accent.

I shake my head, "Everyone deserves to live"

She slowly pushes me away, and looks at me.

I don't know why, but I'm somehow now moving her hair away from her face.

She doesn't move like I had expected. She just looks at me, then closes her eyes.

Now I could see her face, her pink lips part slightly,her long lashes are stuck together by her tears.

She has high cheekbones and a small cute nose.

She then opens her eyes and I see the most beautiful shade of brown.

She's beautiful.

She sniffs and rubs her head, Im not sure if in pain or something else.

"You shouldn't have done that" She whispers and gets up, walking away, her hand still clutching her head

"Ey, um" I say, scratching the back of my head "Do you need a ride home or something?"

She turns around and shakes her head, before starting to turn around again.

"I don't bite, I promise" I mutter,

What the hell am I doing?

"And why should I trust you?" She asks, her voice still hoarse, she takes small steps towards me

I give her a small grin, and walk towards my car, knowing for sure she was accepting my offer

"The real question here is, why the hell not?"

• • •

"You dont talk much do you?" I say, chuckling quietly after about five minutes of silence.

She doesnt answer, her head is leaned against the cold car window, her long hair covers her face. I frown, Thinking she might've fallen asleep, I move my right hand to shake her, but her voice stops me.

"Dont touch me"

"Sorry, I thought you were asleep, uh-
Sorry again" I stammer, quickly moving my hand back on the weel.

"So yeah. What's your name?" I ask


Leah, what a name.

"Oh nice, my name is Drew" I smile, she just shrugs, and continues looking out the window.

After a couple more minutes of silence, I blurt out "You dont have a place to stay do you?"

She doesnt say anything, she looks at me, her brown eyes a darker shade, "Stop the car" she whispers


"I said" She looks at me "Stop the car, now."

I frown "Its raining I cant just-"

"I said stop it!" She yells

I shake my head "No, calm down, uh its okay, you can stay at my place if you want, its okay."

Her breathing is hard, and I make sure of locking the door before she opens it in the middle of all this.

"Why are you helping me?" She asks, moving some hair out of her face, her cheeks are red and wet.

She truly is beautiful. She has her attitude, but she's beautiful, plus I cant judge her without really knowing who she is.

Her question trows me off guard, why am I helping her? A total stranger?

Deep inside I know the answer to that, I know why Im doing this, I couldnt do it before with Bethany, and I guess- the situation is similar to that, it feels as if Im saving Bethany. Somehow find peace in this.

"I wasnt going to- ya know- let you do that, and- lets just say Ive somehow been in this type of situation before, you seem like you need help too" I say

"I dont need your pity Drew" She says, her voice stronger than before, despite the tone in it, the way she said my name, is just- different.

The car slows down as we arrive home, as I turn the car off, I look at her and smile, answering her previous statement

"Well, good thing I dont plan on giving you any"


what do you think? I am super excited for this book, I have so many ideas, pleasee share my story!

Please comment your thoughts, feedback is appreciated!


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