Chapter Three

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Harry's P.O.V

Shopping, something Phionex and I have never had the pleasure to enjoy. While Aunt Petunia drove, I talked to Phionex and Dudley, who was thinking about changing his name to Daniel, about the wizarding world.

Phionex was in the middle of explaining our school years when Dudley asked "What's a Basilisk?" Which was mentioned earlier by Phi.

The Vixen coughed and turned towards me, wide-eyed. 'W-well, a Basilisk is a giant snake-' at this point, Aunt Petunia was listening and the car swerved.

"I'm sorry, what?!" My aunt yelled, stabilizing the car. Thankfully we beat rush hour otherwise we would have crashed into someone.

'Don't worry! It was harmless. Harry and I are able to speak to snakes. So all we did was talk with it. It's a guardian of the school along with two other creatures and a herd of centaurs. They are there in case of an emergency that is all. They are friendly otherwise.' Explained Phionex to our aunt. Hopefully calming her in the process.

"Are you sure that this school is safe?" Asked our Aunt.

"I'm positive. It's known as the safest school in the Wizarding world for this reason." I explained to the worried woman.

"Alright... If you're sure... Anyway, I meant to ask. Where are we going?" Asked the elder woman.

'To Diagon Ally! We need to go to the leaky cauldron in London. It looks unappealing but if you're with a magical you can go in.' Explained the youngest.

Aunt Petunia hummed in response focus back on the road. The three of us continued talking about tbe wizarding world all the way to the main city. Once we entered, Phionex and I looked around amazed. This was the first of many times that we can actually admire something without being hit.

Aunt Petunia parked the car about a block away from the bar. Phionex opened the door and jumped out. Spinning on their toes. Most likely to a song playing in their head. Phionex just looked at me and nodded. I laughed and climb out of the car. "What song are you dancing too?" I asked the musician.

'The Show Must Go On by MandoPony' he squealed. I laughed at my relatives actions. I grabbed his wrist, which he yelped to in surprise, and started to lead my Aunt and cousin to the bar.

Thinking about it, if I said that to any random person they may think Aunt Petunia badly and look at us weirdly. Well thank goodness that wont happen. In the corner of my eye I see Phionex holding in a laugh and nodding slightly.

"Phionex? What's wrong?" Asked Aunt Petunia in worry.

'Nothing is wrong, I just over heard something really funny.' He reasoned to our aunt. We walked for about five minutes through the busy crowd before we walked into The Leaky Cauldron.

"Hey Tom, is there any way my Aunt and cousin can join me to the ally today?" I asked the bartender.

"Yeah, just let them hold your hogwarts letter and they should be protected against the muggle wards." Tom told me, I turned to Phionex who shook his head.

'We can't exactly give it to them... Wait a second... We don't have too!' Phionex exclaimed. He whispered something in my ear and i almost slapped myself for not remembering.

"Thanks Tom, we'll be going now. Have a nice day!" I thanked, turning on my heal in the direction of the brick wall.

"No problem Harry, good luck in school!" Replied the elder male.

I walked to the wall with my family at my heals and tapped the code. Once we walked through the protective shield, the wall closed behind us and I heard gasps of aww from Aunt Petunia and Dudley.

I twirled around, arms wide, and said, "Welcome to Diagon Ally! The biggest shopping outlet in Wizarding London."

The magic overloaded my Aunt, unlocking her core and memories. Dudley, sadly having a small magical core, felt the magical flow around him and through him.

'Welcome to magic. Auntie will you take Dudley to the bank while Harry and I go do our shopping?' Asked Phionex, who felt the magic unlock within them like I did. Our Aunt nodded and we headed our separate ways.

"Hey Phionex, do you think we should get a snake? I know we already have bird familiars, but what if..." He cut me off by dragging me to Knocturn ally and into the creature emporium. We were immediately greeted with hisses, growls, squeaks, and clicks.

"Ah, what do we have here today? Two young ones lost?" Asked the store keep. Phionex shook his head.

"No, we were looking for snakes." I said to the male. His eyes widened, he waved his hand towards himself. We weaved around a few cages, Phionex yelped as he was clawed by one of the mutations in the store.

"Here we go, reptiles." Said the male holding an arm out as we walked past him.

~I'm cold, where is my sun rock~

~Come here little mouse, you're going to be quite cozy in my belly.~

~Ouch! Did you just bite me?!~

And similar were said around the room. Phionex and I listened closely as we walked around the room.

~Hush now, I have got you hatchlings. I apologize for the loudness some snakes don't know when to shut up!~ rang a grand hiss through the room. I look towards the source to see two beautiful yin and yang king cobra looking snakes.

Phionex was already at the cage, it was a female onyx snake that had said that. It seems to be the mother of the two who caught our eyes.

~Hello, my name is Phionex, and that is my brother over there. His name is Hadrian but people call him Harry. It seems to me that your hatchlings are our familiars. Would it be okay if we take them?~ he said, turning it into a question at the end.

~We mean no harm, we just wish to adopt them and take care of them.~ I continued, hoping to adopt the black snake.

~They are not really mine, they are Basilisks that have yet to receive their gaze or poison. I have been teaching them how to close their first set of eyelids to not kill anyone. If they are your familiars it is up to them if they shall go with you.~ Said the cobra.

~So what shall it be young ones?~ asked Phionex.

~We wish to go with you, who is whose familiar?~ asked the pure white of the two basilisks.

~That would be me, it is great to meet you. How would you like the name Spirit?~ asked my sibling. I turned to my own familiar and asked a similar question.

~How would you like the name of Phantom?~ both snakes looked at each other and gave the closest thing to a smirk i have ever seen.

~That would be great~ they said in unison.

Oh boy, we have a lot of work on our hands don't we...

There is a secret

That one must keep

Until the day

They dig beneath

Where to go?

Who should know?

The dangers behind

The mask of the flame.

Phionex out~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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