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He sat on the rusty old swing, rocking back and forth slightly, the old metal creaking with every movement. Pulling at his hair, he reached into his pocket. He pulled an old, yet shiny, stained, silver blade, with a black handle. He examined it and brushed his index finger over the dried up blood. His eyes filled with warm tears and his vision became blurry. "You deserved it dickhead," He whispered to himself softly. When he blinked he felt his cheeks slowly become wet with tears, and he licked the corner of his mouth, tasting the salt in his tears. The swing's rusty rusty links eerily creaked as he keeps swinging.

    He heard a giggle from afar. The tree branches around him rustled as the breeze turned into a light wind. As the trees rustled in the wind, the giggling grew closer. The boy sat in place only moving his eyes to look and chest to breathe. Footsteps were heard as the giggle inched closer to him. His hair went back gently from the blow and he squinted his eyes due to the now, heavy wind. He sat there anticipating something to happen as everything came closer, heavier, and louder. He held his breath. They boy heard the giggle yet again but next to his ear which made him freeze in place. Out of nowhere, everything suddenly stopped, no more footsteps, no more giggling, no wind, no anything.

    The boy stayed frozen for a few more seconds. He let a shaky breath out in relief as to nothing came to him...

"Excuse me...?" A voice softly spoke.

    He couldn't help but to flinch and hold his knife tighter at the sudden voice, no matter how softly it spoke.

"E-excuse me?" It said once more.

    The boy stood up and turned around to face the speaker. His eyes met with hers and immediately softened.

    The girl tucked a strain of hair behind her ear then looked down, "My b-ball is b-behind you." She shyly spoke. He looked down and turned around to see a rainbow striped ball with a rip on the outer skin of the ball. He picked it up, uncovered his mouth, and smiled, "Catch!" He lightly tossed her the ball.

She caught it and giggled, "Thank you~!" She bowed. The boy slightly put his knife away and smiled at her softly still.

"W-what's your name..?" She asked tilting her head a little bit. "J-J-Jungkook... Jungkook." He stumbled on his words.

"Your smile reminds me of a bunny~!" She giggled. Jungkook frowned at what she said. She ruffled his hair which made him smile again.

"What is your name?"

"Y/M/N (your middle name)." she smiled.

"Want to play with me?" She asked.

He nodded and smiled lightly, "O-Okay!"

The boy and girl played with each other until it grew dark.

"Can we meet up tomorrow, the same time and place?" She asked tilting her head.

Jungkook nodded, "definitely!"

She hugged him and ran off with her ball. He waved at her as she ran off.

Everyday for the next six years, until they were 18, they met at the same time and place then would wonder off doing other things together, whether it be reading her favorite book 'Le Petit Prince' or playing board games that she brought or even exploring the woods. They grew close to one another, Jungkook eventually grew strong unbreakable feelings for her.

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