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i walked down the street, it wasn't safe to walk alone at night around this part of town but i wasn't worried, i had protection, and anyone who hurt me would be killed within half an hour thanks to my dad. my dad ran the biggest gang in los santos, which was pretty great, i got nice clothes, amazing food, and i got to walk around like i owned the place, only big problem was it made me a target, and tonight was one of the few nights i was allowed to leave base alone.
while walking i noticed double footsteps, making me stop and look behind me. there stood a man, 6ft, wearing a hockey mask. he stared at me for not even a second until i heard more steps behind me, making me whip around
"you're coming with us, and don't bother putting up a fight." the second man, wearing a regular ski mask, that kind of looked like a sock said.
"... okay, where too?" i asked looking between them.
"wait, it's that easy?" one asked a little confused
"yeah, i mean i'm not afraid of a couple of guys in masks." i shrugged.
"there's more than just us, and we're packing." the hockey dude said
"you and half of los santos, so we leaving or not?" i questioned, i checked my watch, i had exactly 10 minutes to contact my father or the tracker get set off and my dad sends men after me. i smiled a little at my watch, then followed the two men to a really sexy car where we got in, the ski mask dude shutting the door for me, then we drove off.
"i have to admit this is the nicest kidnapping i've even been apart of." i comment from the back seat.
"here put this on, we aren't allowed to let you know where we're going." hockey mask says throwing back an eye mask.
"sorry, this makeup took forever, ill close my eyes i promise not to peek." i say shutting my eyes.
"look do you want us getting aggressive, put the mask on or i'll sew it to your face." hockey mask says.
"do you want me getting aggressive?" i asked my eyes still shut.
"ha! what can you do!" he laughed. keeping my eyes shut i pull my pistol out of my purse and cock it then point it towards the passenger seat.
"you're packing!" he yelled
"along with half of los santos." i reply, putting the safety back on and throwing it back in my purse, all with keeping my eyes shut. when i say i'll do something i mean it, my word is my word.
"we're here." the sock guy says, parking the car, i opened my eyes a smiled. i noticed we were in the woods, far out.
"oh these shoes are no good anymore" i say looking down and mourning my shoes before getting out of the car, my heels sinking in the dirt, though i tried to prevent it.
"follow us." hockey mask says getting his gun out and pointing it at me.
"no need for that, i got into your car willingly didn't i?" i say checking my watch again, 5 minutes. i followed the sock guy while hockey mask walked behind me.
after walking down a road for not even 2 minutes we made it to a big beautiful house, it was huge, bigger then my fathers. i was taken up to the door, they knocked and at least three locks were heard before it opened. there stood a man in a monkey mask, he held an ak-47 and he was buff, i could tell because all he wore were shorts.
"shes supposed to be a hostage for ransom." he says gesturing his gun to me.
"i am just a willing one, now where do i get tied up?" i asked stepping in and taking my muddy heels off, throwing them in the trash near the door.
"make yourself at home." the monkey says, i could hear the eye roll. i checked my watch 1 minute.
"waiting for someone?" hockey mask asked, i smiled and held my hands out.
"you gonna get this hostage thing started or am i going to sit here being a regular civilian all day?" i asked, he let out a heavy sigh and pulled out a pair of hand cuffs. he put them on one hand then roughly turned me around and put it on the other.
"please, feel free to be rough." i say sarcastically, earning a chuckle from the other two.
"shut up and move." he said pushing me. i walked wear he led me and ended up in a bedroom.
"look i know i told you to be rough but this is a bit too far for my liking." i say turning to him. he scoffed and pushed me to the bed, luckily he left the room before it got any further in the direction i was almost convinced it was going in. i stood up and tried to pick the cuffs on my hands. right as i was about to get it a man came bursting threw the door, he roughly grabbed me by the arm and forced me to look up at him, all these guys were so tall. this one wore an owl mask, but even with the mask on i could tell he was angry.
"don't try anything smart!" he said getting loud.
"what about something dumb?" i asked, not really helping my situation. he shock me roughly before getting in my face. he pulled a gun out from behind him and pointed it at my chest. though my smile never faded. one side of the cuffs finally came off and with that hand i went and got my gun from my purse pointing it at his head.
"i told that dumbass to make sure you were clean." he tsked
"i washed my hands before leaving the washroom if that makes you feel any better." i reply
"one button and i'll have all my men in here with a lot bigger guns then that." he tells me
"and in about 3 minutes my fathers men will be in here with much much bigger guns then what they have." i tell him, my smile getting wider.
"that is of course only if i'm harmed." i tell him.
"you're not as meek as we thought."
"well you know what they say, don't judge a book by its cover." i say to him, he scoffed but i could tell he was thinking.
"how much did you think you'd get from me?" i asked putting my gun down as he did the same, though i never put my gun away, and neither did he.
"couple thousand." he admitted, shaking his head, i scoffed, which confused him.
"you obviously know who my father is, and you thought you'd only get a couple thousand, at least ask for 3 million." i say rolling my eyes and started working on getting the other cuff off.
"a little vain are we?" he says
"call it what you want, i know my worth, i also know how much my father has, where's my phone?" i asked searching threw my purse.
"why are you helping me?" he asked while i pulled out my phone and called my dad.
"cause not only am i bored out of my mind but my father has also kept me cooped up in my house for months, this is the first interesting thing that's happened to me since i graduated." i say just as my father picked up.
you're late
"call off the swat father i'm at a coffee shop have a latte, if i see one of your men, just one anywhere near me i'll never speak to you, this is my day father."
as you wish dear, just please don't worry me like that again
"yes father." with that i hung up.
i put my phone and gun away in my purse, then looked back up at the owl.
"well now i'm confused." he says.
"tracker, if i don't check in a whole swat team of my fathers men come and find me, if you want to make sure it doesn't happen in about half an hour, my shoes are in the trash by your door, break the heel off the left one and drive it out to the middle of no where away from this middle of no where." i tell him handing him the cuffs and my purse. he stared at me for a minute then left the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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