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Bulma could hardly find somewhere to park her car when she drove up to her house. She was happy to see Vegeta's black truck was there even though it was on her yard. She walked in & saw a sea of men working in her house. Her eyes marvel at some of the young guys whose bodies were as built as Vegeta's. But even with all that temptation she wanted to see one man. Then like a screeching halt all the men stopped & starred at Bulma as her face flushed. Vegeta stomped out of her bedroom moving the men out of his way demanding them to get back to work. Then Vegeta's eyes got a glimpse of what made his men stop working. Bulma was standing in the middle of the living room with her gray sleek form fitting dress that brought out her crystal-clear blue eyes. Here hair wrapped in a neat bun. Vegeta could feel his jaw dropped to the floor. Wanting to say wow Vegeta got his composure & said it's about time you got here I have been trying to call you, we have an issue with your bathroom. Bulma couldn't say a word as Vegeta grabbed her wrist & practically flew her to the bathroom. We need to replace all your pipes you will be out of a bath & water for a week. Bulma utter a small no. What am I going to do? Vegeta said we can put a portable toilet outside for you but I don't know what you're going to do about bathing. Her parents didn't live that far & she goes to the gym to work out so there are some options. Bulma didn't realize that she was gripping to Vegeta's arm. She looked up & quickly said sorry as her face turned red. Vegeta didn't respond then Bulma asked how much? Vegeta turned to her his face so close to hers that he could feel the heat of her blushing on his face. Damn this bathroom is small. He grabbed her shoulders & said a deal is a deal no added amount. Bulma shoes fell off because he had lifted her off the floor. Vegeta wasn't realizing his own strength gently put her down.
Vegeta feeling hot under the collar said we should go & before Bulma could realize it the men were gone. She felt helpless wanting to do all her normal things like washing her hands & using the bathroom like a normal person but after a long day of work Bulma got into her bed & fell asleep. Her alarm was buzzing Bulma yawned & stretch her arms out. She looked at the clock & scream there's no way she will make it to work on time. Bulma called her boss & asked for some time off & that she was sorry for the last minute request. Her boss gladly gave her the week off considering the fact that she has not taken a day off in the past two years. Bulma packed something's & drove off to her parents' house to stay there while work was being done at the house. Vegeta shirt was wet while working in the stagnant basement. After sending his men home Vegeta wanted to stay at the house wanting to run into Bulma in his drenched sleeveless shirt. It was pitiful for him to parading himself, but he liked it when Bulma looked at him kinda like she longed for him. It was late & he still didn't hear the sound of heels walking above him. Vegeta walked out of the basement & notice it was way past the time Bulma would be home. There was a small amount of worry in his head while he called Bulma's cell phone. Hello? Bulma loud voice bursting through the phone while metallic noise where being made in the background. Vegeta abruptly asked where are you? Bulma said "I'm my parents' house I took the week off so I can let you work on my bathroom & I got carried away helping my dad with his invention." So you're not coming home? Vegeta loudly said on the phone. No, I'll be there tomorrow. Vegeta was upset, he was not the type of person to show off like some school girl why the hell was he trying so hard to impress Bulma? He wiped the sweat off his brow & slamming the door shut behind him.
Bulma looked at her watch as she realized what time it was it was 10:00 pm she gazed out the window towards her house & said he was still working at this hour? She was too tired to do anything & that she will take Vegeta & his workers some breakfast in the morning. Morning came & Bulma put on her pail green romper & made two sleek French braids & ran out the door. She went to her local coffee shop & order a box of coffee & breakfast sandwiches. Then she stopped at the bank to get $10,000 yen after her father told her that's how much it would more or less pay for her pipe work.

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